The fifth episode of Starz’s historical series ‘Outlander’ season 7, titled ‘Singapore,’ follows the aftermath of James “Jamie” Fraser’s forced decision to join the Continental Army against the Crown. Jamie anticipates the British Army’s attack on Fort Ticonderoga while his superior dismisses the same. Brianna “Bree” Fraser MacKenzie’s first day at work goes wrong when her subordinates disrespect her. The Hunters set out for Fort Ticonderoga with William Ransom, who saves the siblings from their deaths. The engrossing episode ends with a pivotal development concerning the Revolutionary War and Jamie’s involvement in the same. If you are intrigued about it, let us share our thoughts concerning the same! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Outlander Season 7 Episode 5 Recap
‘Singapore’ begins with Brianna and Roger MacKenzie’s son Jeremiah “Jem” MacKenzie searching for Jamie’s grave in the graveyard of Lallybroch with his sister Amanda. Brianna joins the technical team of a plant as an inspector and on her first day, sets out to see a project. Her subordinates, prominently Rob Cameron and his friends, lock her up in a tunnel as they don’t respect her for being a woman. Brianna manages to walk through the same. Meanwhile, she encounters an inexplicable phenomenon that unsettles her, which also forces her to close her ears.
Back in the 18th century, Jamie’s valuable predictions concerning the British Army’s potential moves are discarded by his superior General Fermoy. Denzell and Rachel Hunter are on their way to Fort Ticonderoga for the former to join the Continental Army as a surgeon. William joins them to travel together a major portion of both of their journeys. A farmer pulls a trick on them and tries to kill them for stealing their jewelry but William manages to safeguard the two siblings. He kills the farmer and attacks the latter’s wife to stop them. The wife confesses to killing more travelers in the past to steal from them.
Jamie learns that one of his cousins, Simon Fraser, is in charge of the British force as he awaits an attack on the Rebels stationed at Fort Ticonderoga. William parts ways with the Hunters near the fort as he continues his journey on a different path to deliver the letters. The Hunters end up at the fort, only for Denzell to team up with Claire to treat patients and Rachel to see Ian again. Ian meets his ex-partner Emily while visiting the Mohawk village he used to stay in. He learns that Emily’s son is “his spirit” and he names the boy “Ian James” when she asks him to.
Outlander Season 7 Episode 5 Ending: What Happens at Fort Ticonderoga?
Ever since arriving at Fort Ticonderoga, Jamie realizes that they are exposed to a potential attack by the British Army due to their location. He sees the hill near the fort as a major threat since the opposition soldiers can camp at the place and fire canons at the fort. Jamie’s superior General Fermoy, however, dismisses the possibility even when Jamie demonstrates how they can be easily attacked. Jamie eventually turns out to be right about their vulnerability as British Army ends up at the hill to capture the fort and defeat the Rebels with canons. When his superiors consider evacuating the fort and running away, Jamie steps up to protect the civilians.
Considering the size of the British Army, the Continental Army doesn’t stand a chance of winning a battle against them, which forces the latter to retreat from the fort to avoid a heartbreaking defeat to the Crown’s forces. When General Fermoy foolishly wishes to fight the British despite the guaranteed defeat, Jamie thinks about the safety of the people camped at the place, including his wife Claire. He orders his men to arrive at the place with boats so that he can rescue the civilians through the waterways. Jamie knows that the water carries men and women faster than the British soldiers can march to the fort to defeat or kill them.
Thus, Jamie leads a group of civilians out of the fort by several boats. He rows a boat, which transports Claire and Rachel, himself likely to safety. Fermoy’s superior asks the former and the rest of the soldiers to carry as much weaponry as they can while retreating from the fort. He also orders them to destroy the things they cannot carry since he doesn’t want the British Army to benefit from the same. The Continental Army loses Fort Ticonderoga because Fermoy chooses to ignore Jamie’s warnings to build a defense against the possible attacks, which become real.
In ‘An Echo in the Bone,’ the seventh novel in Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’ novel series, the British Army eventually captures Fort Ticonderoga and chases the Continental Army soldiers who retreat. In a confrontation between the two, Jamie inadvertently fires a gun at William, only for his hat to get shot. The British Army eventually makes Continental Army’s General Burgoyne surrender and as a part of the surrender, Jamie is asked to transport the body of his second cousin Simon Fraser back to Scotland, the home country of two Frasers who fight against the other in the Revolutionary War.
In the upcoming episode, we may see Jamie and his son William standing against each other, among their respective armies. Jamie’s fear may materialize as he may get forced to fight against his own son. However, Simon’s death may turn out to be an escape route for Jamie from the War as he is expected to set out to Scotland with the dead body of his cousin, Claire, and Young Ian.
Read More: Does Young Ian Die in Outlander? What Happens to Him?
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