Is Pattie Walker Based on a Real Person? Is Rockingham Arms a Real Pub in Corby?

Netflix’s Minkie Spiro-directed ‘Toxic Town’ is a limited drama chronicling the infamous Corby toxic waste case that can only be described as equal parts baffling and harrowing. That’s because it delves deep into the real-life tale of a small town in the midlands of the UK, wherein toxic waste in the form of dust caused deformities in several children between 1984 and 1999. However, it wasn’t until their mothers realized something was amiss that the truth came to light, and one of them in the show is none other than Pattie Walker.

Pattie Walker Represents Several Women Who Fought For Justice For Their Children

Although Pattie Walker is not directed based on or inspired by a real individual, she embodies all the mothers who were involved in the case and who endured unimaginable circumstances. Like many of the mothers involved in the case, she too blamed herself for her son’s limb difference when he was firstborn, especially considering she was a bartender at a local pub called Rockingham Arms. She never drank or indulged in any substances while pregnant, but she was surrounded by them every step of the way, so she couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt upon seeing her son’s condition.

However, everything changed for her in the late 1990s as she heard of how several other kids born around the same time as her son had a similar condition or worse. Then, when a journalist from the Sunday Times contacted her to indicate there was a possibility that neglect or mismanagement of toxins in the city could have caused such issues, she didn’t hesitate to spread the news. Considering her job, she already knew hers was not an isolated case, so she helped the journalist with some names too, and that’s when the case blew wide open.

Lawyers, media, the town council, and everyone soon got involved in one way or the other, with the latter maintaining at every step that they were innocent and had no hand in the matter. Yet, like some of the other mothers, Pattie was undeterred, and she got more mothers involved once Susan McIntyre suggested forming a group where they could discuss their cases. Her involvement was crucial, just like every mother’s in real life, so she essentially personifies them in a very three-dimensional and empathetic manner. Despite the focus of the show being on three mothers, her character makes all the others real and gives them a voice.

Rockingham Arms Is Now Permanently Closed

While Rockingham Arms was indeed an actual pub in Corby – located at NN17 Studfall Avenue – it is now sadly closed for good. According to reports, it was built in 1955 right alongside some local houses, so it has a very cozy feel, but it has been closed since at least 2019 when the owners were seeking new management for it. It’s unclear precisely why it had to shut its doors for good or what precisely transpired, but we do know it was a local staple for decades and that they probably still miss it. Nevertheless, with the redevelopments of Corby in the Northamptonshire area over the past few years, there is no denying there are now several more pubs in the area. Whether it be family-owned establishments, chain bars, or local clubs, there are now several options in Corby.

Read More: Toxic Town: Is Roy Thomas Based on a Real Corby Councilor?