Created by Courtney A. Kemp, ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ is the second entry in the ‘Power’ franchise after the original series. The plot revolves around Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.), the son of Tasha St. Patrick and James “Ghost” St. Patrick, Tariq killed his father, but his mother took the responsibility, hoping that he will enroll in a university and have an ordinary life. However, nothing goes according to plan, and Tariq quickly becomes desperate for cash and starts selling drugs again.
In season 3 episode 1, titled ‘Your Perception, Your Reality,’ Tariq and the others decide to continue selling drugs, especially with the arrival of a dangerous new player in town. Meanwhile, Monet (Mary J. Blige) grieves her son’s death and threatens everyone that might be responsible. Here is what you need to know about the ending of ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ season 3 episode 1. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 1 Recap
Zeke was a popular kid at school. Despite the accusations he faced, his popularity hasn’t suffered, and that’s why so many people attend the gathering celebrating Zeke and his life. In contrast, much is not known about Zeke’s father. Season 3 marks the introduction of Noma to the narrative. She is Mecca’s boss and fiancée. After Mecca’s death, Noma decided to come to the United States and find out what happened to her drug and Mecca. Noma and her people kill an unsuspecting couple after they decline to give them Mecca’s ring. Later, Tariq, Brayden, and Cane are ambushed by Noma and her people at Mecca’s home, which Cane and his brother now occupy.
Facing mortal danger, Tariq, Brayden, and Cane try to convince Noma to give them a chance, knowing their lives depend upon the woman agreeing to the proposal. Intrigued, Noma agrees to give them that chance. Effie Morales, Tariq’s current girlfriend, later joins the group as one of the dealers. Even though they are relatively familiar with the business, nothing prepared them for the quantity Noma, and her people deal with, making the four youths realize that they might have bit into more they can chew this time.
With Brayden accepting responsibilities for the CourseCorrect app and claiming that he is the one dealing drugs at the university, he starts working at the Weston family business under the watchful eyes of his uncle. Knowing that his wife will kill him if she ever finds out, Lorenzo Tejada Sr. tries his best to hide that he accidentally killed Zeke. He realizes the treatment their daughter is receiving at home is unfair and enrolls her at Stansfield University. The school hosts a memorial for Zeke, during which Tariq comforts Monet. Elsewhere, it is revealed that Cooper Saxe is now working as a CI for prosecutor Jenny Sullivan.
Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 1 Ending: How is Lauren Alive?
We never really see Lauren (Paige Hurd) die in the second season. She thinks Brayden is taking her to the woods so she will be able to leave the town, but Effie appears, and it is heavily implied that she kills the other girl for wearing a microphone and gathering evidence against Tariq and the others. The writers briefly tease that she might still be alive in episode 9, but we are told in the season finale that she died in a “car accident.”
Toward the end of the season 3 premiere, Sullivan visits what seems like the home she grew up in. A female police officer is present there, likely to keep watch over the younger woman. When Sullivan asks how she is holding up, Lauren turns from the window and enquires how long she will have to pretend she is dead.
The fact that Sullivan knows Lauren is alive is interesting because she was the one who told Saxe that Lauren’s body was found by locals outside the city. This led a guilt-ridden Saxe to confront Tariq and Davis Maclean and tell the latter that they had blood on their hands. After all, they were the ones who told Tariq that Lauren had become part of the prosecution team against him.
It seems Sullivan has carefully set everything up to flip Saxe. After the humiliating defeat she suffered in Tariq’s case, Saxe is the only trump card she has to topple Tariq’s fledgling drug empire. Another thing that needs to be considered here is whether Brayden and Effie know anything about this or genuinely believe they killed Lauren.
Is Bash Dead?
Yes, Bash is dead. Portrayed by Abubakr Ali, Bash Kumal-Stern is a recurring character in ‘Power Book II: Ghost.’ With his help, Tariq developed the CourseCorrect app. In season 3, he threatens both Brayden and Tariq as he knows that the former lied to the court to keep the latter out of jail. Brayden immediately goes for the nuclear option and asks Cane to kill Bash. However, Cane insists that Brayden should do it. Brayden told him that he killed Lauren, so Cane thinks that as Brayden is already a murderer, it wouldn’t be much of a problem for him.
Meanwhile, Tariq goes to Bash’s apartment with a peace offering, asking him to join their new venture and help them launder their money. Bash not only refuses to be involved in the said venture but also brings up Tariq’s father and mockingly points out how similar Tariq and James are. Infuriated, Tariq picks up a table knife and stabs Bash with it.
Just after Bash dies, Cane and Brayden arrive, intending to kill him. They are as surprised to see Tariq there as he is to see them. Soon enough, that surprise is replaced by an understanding of what they should do to ensure that none of them gets caught for murdering Bash.
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