Created by Courtney A. Kemp, ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ is a Starz crime drama series and the second entry in the ever-sprawling ‘Power’ franchise. The plot revolves around Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.), the son of James “Ghost” St. Patrick and Tasha Green-St. Patrick, as he navigates through life and discovers that he can’t escape his father’s legacy. After Tariq killed his father, Tasha took responsibility in the hopes that her son would have a normal life. However, Tariq is forced to become a drug dealer to protect his family, unable to escape the vicious circle of crime.
In season 3 episode 3, titled ‘Human Capital,’ Tariq, Brayden Weston (Gianni Paolo), and their associates face pressure from Noma’s people to move the product at a bigger scale. Cooper Saxe (Shane Johnson) finds out the truth about the conviction of Davis MacLean’s (Method Man) brother. With Lorenzo effectively powerless and Monet (Mary J. Blige) busy with a relentless Whitman, Cane (Woody McClain) takes charge of the Tejada family. Here is what you need to know about the ending of ‘Power Book II: Ghost’ season 3 episode 3. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 3 Recap
The episode begins with Tariq and Brayden out shopping with Davis. The business is booming, and they have decided to spoil themselves with suits and high-end watches. Meanwhile, Effie (Alix Lapri) realizes that she will have to sell products at Stansfield to keep up with the flow of drugs. Elsewhere, Cane has his father beaten up during a drop-off. Suddenly, Tariq, Brayden, Effie, and Cane receive a message about a meet-up with Obi, Noma’s second in command. It turns out that even though Tariq and the others think the product flow is relatively fast, their suppliers think it’s not fast enough. This time, they threaten their loved ones: Tariq’s grandmother, Brayden’s parents, and Diana.
Meanwhile, allocated limited resources, Sullivan, Whitman, and Rodriguez have to do their best with what they have. Moreover, they don’t exactly trust each other. Sullivan doesn’t tell her colleagues that Lauren is alive, while Whitman becomes obsessed with Monet as he is certain she has something to do with Carrie’s death.
In the class, Professor Harper Benett (Keesha Sharp) teaches her students about human capital, and predictably, the answers that the students give are in line with their respective experiences. Cane later drops by Stansfield and warns his sister about the storm coming her way. Diana gradually realizes that the drug business is in full swing at Stansfield once again. But she tries to stay clear of it, despite the meager salary she earns doing her job. Eventually, however, when her father comes asking her to help with the family and move the drugs, she acquiesces.
Tariq accompanies Lucas Weston (David Walton) to meet Ron Samuel Jenkins aka RSJ (Gbenga Akinnagbe), one of the wealthiest black men in the world, to convince him to invest in Weston Holdings. Tariq is aware of why he is there, as is RSJ. After Lucas leaves with Brayden, Tariq and RSJ have a conversation, which gives the former the idea of bringing the price of the product down so they can attract more customers. After watching his uncle berate two crypto entrepreneurs, Brayden decides to use that crypto for transactions.
Meanwhile, Cane comes up with the idea of eradicating the rest of the Castillo family so they can move into their territory. As always, Dru (Lovell Adams-Gray) has a more pragmatic approach in mind. Instead of going after their relatives, he believes that they should target their Connect, who is a Russian. If the Connect is killed, the Castillos will have no choice but to look for an alternative supplier, and the Tejadas can move in to fill the void.
Power Book II: Ghost Season 3 Episode 3 Ending: What Does the Lion card Tattoo Mean?
Since his relationship with Everett ended, Dru has been restless. He is on Grindr and goes through his dates as if he is on a mission. His family, especially Cane, has noticed this and has wondered whether his mind is in the right place. One of the most recent matches is a man with a card with a lion’s head tattooed on the inside of the wrist. The man is turned away from the camera, so his face can’t be seen. Throughout the episode, Dru and this man message back and forth.
After their Russian Connect is killed, the Castillos arrive at Zeke’s former apartment for a meeting. Dru discovers that the man is among them when Grindr starts to send notifications that Dru’s match is only a few feet away from him and getting closer. It turns out that the current leader of the Castillos, Gordo, is Dru’s match. Although they don’t speak about it in this episode, Dru spots Gordo’s lion card tattoo.
Why does Cane threaten Brayden?
It is from the Castillos that Cane learns that Brayden wasn’t the one who killed the Russian connection. The idea was that if Brayden, a white young man, kills the Connect, the suspicion would be directed at the other Russians. But despite what Brayden told Cane about Lauren’s death, he has never killed anyone. So when he goes to confront the Connect after the latter comes out of the church, he freezes. He nearly dies as the Connect reaches for the gun, but Tariq intervenes and shoots the man dead, once more proving that he can be incredibly loyal to people.
Before Cane’s meeting with the Castillos, Brayden informs him that the Connect is dead, not telling him that he couldn’t do the job and Tariq had to step in. Believing that things have worked out according to their plans, Cane claims during the meeting that he has no knowledge of the incident and even says that a white person has killed the Connect. This predictably makes the Castillos question whether Cane knows more than what he is letting on. This prompts Lorenzo to step in and solve the problem.
Afterward, Cane calls Brayden for a meeting, threatens him at gunpoint, and asks him who killed Lauren, as he is sure it wasn’t the other man. However, Brayden points out that Cane’s hands are clean now, but if he comes to know who Lauren’s killer is, it might be as if he did it himself. This finally convinces Cane to let Brayden go, but not before reminding him that he still owes him a death.
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