Exploring the concept of polyamory, Peacock’s ‘Couple to Throuple’ is one show you simply cannot miss. The series gives various couples a chance to invite another partner into their relationship and see if this will better their romantic lives. Of course, not all is as easy as one might have hoped, and things often get complicated during the search for a partner without invoking feelings of jealousy between two people. One of the couples from season 1 who especially caught the attention of the viewers was Rehman Bhatti and Ashmal Ali, whose easy charm and openness regarding the experiment have made people highly curious about the current status of their relationship.
Rehman Bhatti and Ashmal Ali’s Couple to Throuple Journey
Entering the Peacock show, Rehman Bhatti and Ashmal Ali were excited to see how the inclusion of another person into their lives would contribute to their relationship. That said, the two did have some differing opinions about what they wanted from their potential third, especially when it came to their experience in the world of polyamory. Having met sometime prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the couple was able to enjoy going out before the world went into lockdown.
Together, Rehman and Ashmal spend their lockdown together and explore the delights of domesticity. This helped them build trust between themselves and a willingness to try new things while banking on mutual support. As such, they thought it only ideal that they try polyamory with mutual consent. While Rehman hoped for someone experienced so that the person would be able to navigate the ins and outs of a polyamorous relationship, Ashmal mentioned that he actually wanted someone new to the idea so that one single person would not dictate their relationship.
After getting to know the participating singles in the show, Rehman and Ashmal chose to invite Jonathan Intriago into their midst during the first matching ceremony. However, things got a bit complicated after both men shared a kiss. The next day, things became a bit more complicated when Rehman announced that Ashmal was easy to please and was probably having a better time with Jonathan. Things did not get much better between the three as time passed, though they tried to make amends.
However, as it turned out, Jonathan himself was quite interested in Rehman physically and was eager to mend the relationship between them. As such, the two men had a conversation on their own, with Jonathan being open about his feelings, which left Rehman in a considerably better mood. As such, it did not surprise many when Rehman and Ashmal chose to stay with Jonathan, who himself agreed to the arrangement.
With things out in the open, the three men tried to work on their relationship, but things devolved again when Ashmal ended up referring to Jonathan as “boyfriend” during a public breakfast. Jonathan objected to this, asking if Ashmal had even introduced Rehman to his family. When the answer came out as no, Jonathan asked how he was planning on directly introducing not one but two boyfriends. Things only got worse when Rehman publicly expressed his dissatisfaction over how he often felt that Ashmal and Jonathan had created a bond between them that did not seem to have space for him.
All of this led Jonathan to wonder if he should stay with Rehman and Ashmal, which the latter commented he could understand as he himself was apparently having a hard time being with Rehman. Despite it all, it seemed like Rehmana and Ashmal were not ready to give up on Jonathan; they even chose him at the matching ceremony. However, Jonathan refused the offer, stating that he did not want to be with the couple presently as he felt like they needed to work on some stuff of their own.
Now left stranded, Ashmal discussed the possibility of choosing Frank Edward instead, but Rehman still seemed hung up on Jonathan and did not seem ready for such a sudden switch. As such, they decided to stay as a couple for some time. The couple continued to work on their relationship and were hit with a surprise twist when, only a day later, they were asked to pick someone as their third from those who had volunteered to be with them during the last ceremony. As Jonathan was not one of those who volunteered, having instead switched out, Rehman and Ashmal went with Frank.
While Ashmal tried to move on and seemed to be genuinely getting to know Frank, Rehman still seemed hung up on Jonathan. He and Ashmal also did not appreciate the news that Maximo and Ash were trying to woo Jonathan. Knowing that they needed to sort out their feelings, Rehman and Ashmal agreed that they would pick Jonathan during the following ceremony. However, they were highly upset to see Jonathan volunteering to partner with Maximo and Ash, who immediately chose him as their partner. Feeling like this might be the final nail in the coffin of their connection with Jonathan, Rehman and Ashmal stated that they would be staying with Frank.
Back in the villa, Jonathan tried to talk to Rehman and Jonathan, but both insisted that they did not want to discuss anything. Even when Jonathan approached Rehman alone, the latter declared that he had closed his heart towards his former connection and wanted to move on with Frank. However, both Rehman and Ashmal’s resolve broke when they had their first kiss with Frank.
Rehman and Jonathan discussed how they had been thinking of Jonathan, indicating that they were clearly not over him. Their opportunity to do something about the same arose when all the couples got a chance to talk with other prospective partners once again, and Jonathan indicated that he remained interested in them. As such, during their last chance to change their partners, Rehman and Ashmal stated that they wanted to be with Jonathan, who happily agreed to switch couples.
Rehman Bhatti and Ashmal Ali Have Separated
Given the ups and downs that Rehman Bhatti and Ashmal Ali went through while trying to woo Jonathan Intriago, they were excited when he decided to ask them to be his boyfriends just before giving the final answer during the last on-screen ceremony. Initially, the couple’s relationship after the show seemed to be going well, with Jonathan often visiting his two partners in Chicago, Illinois. However, after three months, Ashmal not only “objected” to being in a polyamorous relationship but also ended things with Rehman
Though Rehman and Ashmal are no longer in a relationship, they remain “best friends.” They continue to shower each other with love and affection on social media. From celebrating each other’s life achievements to enjoying intimate outings together, the two reality TV stars have not hesitated in hyping their ex-partners up. However, they are seemingly no longer in contact with Jonathan. Rehman has also been quite happy about promoting the Peacock show, which indicates that no matter the outcome, he has fond memories of his time as a participant in the social experiment.
Read More: Brittne Babe and Sean Williams: Are the Couple to Throuple Stars Still Together?
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