5. Britz (2007)
This British two-part drama series follows the life of two people who go through different changes after the 9/11 attacks. Living in Britain, two siblings, Sohail and Nasima, witness the changes in politics and society after the attacks on the World Trade Centre. After gauging the situations, Sohail joins MI5 in the hope that he’ll be able to stop any such attack before it happens. All the while, life works differently for Nasima and she ends up joining a terrorist group. Told separately from the perspectives of Sohail and Nasima, ‘Britz’ tries to show the impacts of the events and how they affect people differently.
4. Four Lions (2010)
In this satirical dark comedy, Riz Ahmed played the role of Omar, a radicalised British Muslim. Four men- Omar, Waj, Faisal and a white-convert Barry- decide to make a statement for the cause by blowing up someplace in London. However, they are not as competent as they want to be. Amateurs in their endeavours, they have a habit of messing up things. Just how far these messed up things go is what ‘Four Lions’ is all about.
3. The Road to Guantanamo (2006)
In his debut role, Ahmed played the role of Shafiq Rasul who with his two other friends travels to Pakistan to attend a friend’s wedding. While their stay in Pakistan, the trio decides to travel to Afghanistan to get a look at how things really were. A stroke of bad luck hits them as they get mixed up with a group of Taliban fighters and are later captured by the soldiers of the Northern Alliance. Facing more than two years of captivity under the United States military, the three friends get a closer look at things, more than they intended to.
2. Shifty (2008)
Chris (David Mays) and Shifty (Riz Ahmed) were best friends growing up. Entering into adulthood, Chris left his neighbourhood and went out in search of a better life. Years later, now a well-settled Chris returns to his childhood home to attend a party and to re-connect with Shifty. He discovers that after he left, things went pretty bad for Shifty and that he is now a drug-dealer. Spending a day with him, Chris rediscovers their relationship and how he can fix his mistakes.
1. The Night Of (2016)
Nasir Khan, played by Riz Ahmed, is a student living in New York. One night he picks up a woman called Andrea and ends up spending the night with her. After a night of drugs and sex, Nasir wakes up in the morning with no recollection whatsoever of what transpired the night before. To his horror, he discovers Andrea stabbed to death and is arrested for it. The story moves forward as Nasir tries to prove his innocence. The series was a critical success, with the praise directed towards a well-crafted story portrayed brilliantly by its actors. Riz Ahmed won the Emmy for the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for his portrayal of Nasir.
Read More: Chris Pine Movies
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