With Netflix’s ‘Lover, Stalker, Killer’ delving deep into the 2012 homicide of Cari Farver at the hands of Shanna Elizabeth “Liz” Golyar, we get a documentary that can only be described as haunting. After all, the latter not just slew her romantic rival but also apparently dismembered and burned the remains before ruining her reputation through impersonation via texts/e-mails for four years. Though if we’re being honest, one of the most intriguing aspects connected to this entire ordeal is Liz’s tragic familial history as well as the way it likely influenced her ultimate unforgivable actions.
Liz Golyar Endured a Lot of Loss Growing Up
It was reportedly back on June 28, 1975, that Shanna (or Liz) was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, into a massive yet extremely dysfunctional family, with her parents’ names sadly still being unclear. We actually specify this because they’d lost custody of at least two of their children by the time she came into this world, and her father was also facing charges of indecent sexual liberties with a minor. It thus comes as no surprise she too was subsequently placed into foster care alongside another one of her siblings, only for her mother to then work hard to get the family back together for good.
The truth is Liz’s mother undertook all the necessary steps needed to raise her own kids, but everything changed just two weeks before they were to reunite in 1978 as she died in a car accident. On the other hand, her father eventually drank himself to death, leading these big brood siblings to be separated within the system before they were gradually adopted by new, different families. Even she was ostensibly taken in by a couple while still a young child, resulting in her name officially being changed to Shanna Elizabeth “Liz” — her adoptive parents hence gave her her identity.
Yet alas, the rooted trauma of Liz’s past had left her craving a real family of her own to such an extent she married (plus divorced) young and also welcomed two beautiful kids into her life. It appears as if her partner then was Raymond Nycz, whom she’d first come across as a coworker at Triple S Plastics in Battle Creek, only for them to fall utterly head over heels in mere months. However, the couple simply couldn’t make things work in the long run and parted ways by 1998, likely around the same time their son/her second child Cody Nathaniel Golyar was born on August 25, 1998.
Liz subsequently began dating Glenn Herr, but it ended in early 1999 after the latter shook her 5-month-old son to death – in other words, Cody died of shaken baby syndrome on January 30, 1999. The latter subsequently pled guilty and was sentenced to 8½ to 25 years behind bars, following which his 24-year-old ex-girlfriend began trying her best to move on from the grave, grave loss. She actually went on to have another child as well as a few unsuccessful relationships, including one where she seemingly did exhibit early signs of obsession, yet nothing was too significant until she came across Dave Kroupa in 2012.
Liz Golyar’s Remaining Family Prefers to Lead a Quiet Life
According to reports, Liz was a proud mother and entrepreneur running her own cleaning company when she first met Dave, a fellow devoted parent of two with a young son as well as a daughter. But everything soon went haywire as this Vatterott College graduate couldn’t deal with the fact he only wanted a casual fling and thus committed a series of crimes no one could’ve ever imagined. So, of course, once the truth all came to light, family members of her two kids unwaveringly decided to protect the youngsters’ privacy by ensuring not even their names became public knowledge, which unfortunately means there’s absolutely no way for us to know much regarding their current standing.
Read More: Dave Kroupa: Where is Cari Farver’s Boyfriend Now?
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