‘Norsemen’ is a comedy tv series created as a parody to the otherwise serious-toned Viking shows. Written and directed by Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen, the story takes place in the year 790 and revolves around a group of villagers living in Norheim. Filmed in both English and Norwegian languages, it is packed with graphic violence and stinky, dirty bloodbaths that is a juicy reflection of the 8th century northern Europe.
Most of the humor in ‘Norsemen’ is derived from the scared little village chief, Orm, who desperately tries to hide his homosexuality while his wife goes out on raids with the real men. Orm takes terrible decisions, struggles with aiming an arrow straight, and once, even beats up a 10-year-old, only to be bested by her as well. With an irreverent approach to situation comedy, ‘Norsemen’ is a mindless, hilarious watch. And if you want to binge on some of the best shows like ‘Norsemen’, we have you covered. Most of these series are available on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
7. Vikings (2013-)
Vikings’ is the story of the Norse legend Ragnar Lothbrok. It follows this once simple farmer who later rises to become one of the greatest warriors in history. The historical drama is not a comedy per se but it does have a few hilarious quips from Ragnar himself and his friend Floki. The rest of the show narrates the events preceding Ragnar’s death, such as his multiple victories and his journey as a husband and a father to the terrible Ivar and the brave Bjorn. If you want a real view of ancient Nordic gore, then ‘Vikings’ is a must-watch.
6. Lilyhammer (2012-2014)
Sharing a few familiar faces from the talented cast of ‘Norsemen’, ‘Lilyhammer’ is a Norwegian–American television series that chronicles the life of an ex-gangster from New York, Frank Tagliano, also called The Fixer. He wants to turn into a new leaf while staying in the isolated eponymous town in Norway. Since Frank’s character is very much similar to Silvio Dante from ‘The Sopranos’, you can give this HBO series a try as well.
5. Ragnarok (2020-)
‘Ragnarok’ does have any similarity with your favorite Marvel flick or with the titular Norwegian black metal band. It is about the old Norse legend that translates to the end of the world. The Netflix original is essentially a high school drama, infused with mythological elements. This fascinating concept makes ‘Ragnarok’ an engaging watch. Moreover, the fantasy aspects and interesting characters, make it even more entertaining and serve as the perfect ingredients for the first Norwegian language Netflix original.
4. The Last Kingdom (2015-)
Centered around the protagonist Uhtred of Bebbanburg, ‘The Last Kingdom’ is the tv adaptation of Bernard Cornwell’s book series, ‘The Saxon Stories’. The story starts off in 866 when England was divided into the Heptarchy aka the seven kingdoms. After the Vikings lay waste to York, the Danes capture Uhtred, a Saxon successor, and raise him as one of their own. Uhtred grows up with conflicting emotions and needs to make difficult choices when he is tested in his loyalty.
3. Knightfall (2017-19)
The events of ‘Knightfall’ take place in 1306 when the Knights Templar are past their prime days. This once powerful organization in the Christian world is struggling for their survival. Following the fall of Acre, the Templars’ last stronghold, a rumor starts making the rounds — the Grail is still in that area. The Templars, led by Knight Landry, now decide to regain control over the Holy Land. This is when their battles become the Crusades.
2. Letterkenny (2016-)
Devoid of any historical backdrops, ‘Letterkenny’ is another recommendation if you love the dry, silly humor in ‘Norsemen’. This Hulu original + Canadian television sitcom, created by Jared Keeso, revolves around the antics of the eponymous rural community in Ontario. Branded as ‘refreshing and intoxicating’, ‘Letterkenny’ is crazy, extremely funny, and sometimes, childish. Its major USP is the thick Ontario dialect that is an apt representation of the salty Canadian vernacular.
1. Game of Thrones (2011-19)
‘Game of Thrones’ has been lauded for its spectacular storyline, packed with mind-bending twists and dirty politics. But it is also famous for its popular one-lines, infused with wit and humor. The best quoteworthy dialogues are delivered by Tyrion — for instance, ‘I drink and I know things’. There are several other quotes as well, which have made their way into the world of memes. So, minus the gore and violence, GOT is also known for its humorous quips that are bound to send you into fits of laughter.
Read More: Best Shows Like Vikings
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