Created by Mark Verheiden and Gary Dauberman, Swamp Thing is a superhero horror series based on the eponymous DC character. It revolves around Abigail “Abby” Arcane (Crystal Reed), a CDC doctor who returns to her hometown to investigate the deadly swamp-borne virus. Alec Holland (Andy Bean), the disgraced scientist who teams up with Abby, disappears after discovering that toxic waste is being dumped in the swamp waters.
The intriguing plot features a mysterious protagonist who keeps the viewers guessing the significance and the true nature of the character. The series premiered on DC Universe on May 31, 2019, and opened to favorable reviews from the critics and the audiences. Despite the positive response, the network pulled the plug on the show. In case you’re wondering about the filming locations of ‘Swamp Thing,’ we have got you covered!
Swamp Thing Filming Locations
The series is based in the town of Marais, Louisiana; “Marais” in French translates to a swamp. If you look for the place Marais on the internet, you will struggle to find any information on the town. Why is that? Well, Marais is a fictional town created for the series, but if you are curious to know where it was filmed, here are the specific details!
Wilmington, North Carolina
The series was shot in and around the port city of Wilmington in North Carolina and was based at the EUE/Screen Gem Studio. Located at 1223 N 23rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina – 28405, the studio is also referred to as “Hollywood East” or “Wilmywood.” The 37,500-square-foot production complex has hosted more than 400 filming projects since 1983, including ‘One Tree Hill,’ ‘Iron Man 3,’ ‘Sleepy Hollow,’ and ‘Under the Dome,’ to name a few. The Wilmington region ranks amongst the most preferred locations for film production in the United States.
Charles William Breen, the original production designer, passed away when the film was still in the preproduction phase. It was his vision that brought the swamp set to life, and also the Swamp Thing himself. The fact that the series uses such elaborate logistics and stage work was what attracted the cinematographer, Fernando Arguelles, who has mostly enjoyed a career in films, to join the project. Apart from this, the possibility of using old-fashioned visual aesthetics set in modern times for a superhero, who is very earthy and lives in a swamp appealed to him.
He revealed many interesting facts about the filming process on the international publication of The American Society of Cinematographers called American Cinematographer. The swamp was created in the EUE/Screen Gem Studio on Stage 10, spanning approximately 160 feet by 120 feet. The preparation was elaborate since they wanted to keep the VFX to a minimum. Visual effects were mostly used to show transformation of the trees and roots.
The swamp was created in the EUE/Screen Gem Studio on Stage 10, spanning approximately 160 feet by 120 feet. The preparation was elaborate since they wanted to keep the VFX to a minimum. Visual effects were mostly used to show the transformation of the trees and roots.
It was not easy to film the series owing to many technical challenges. However, the biggest hurdles were the seasonal changes and Hurricane Florence. Still, the highly-skilled production team managed to bring to life, another superhero character that has amassed a solid fan-following amid the comic enthusiasts.
Read More: Shows Like Swamp Thing
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