In ‘The Accident,‘ the Netflix Mexican show created by Leonardo Padrón, a mishap during Rodri’s birthday, the youngest son of Emiliano and Daniela, leads to the death of three children, including Rodri, and the disappearance of another. Subsequently, the show deals with the trauma of the families whose lives are affected by the children’s passing. However, Rodri’s beloved dog, Goal, keeps Emiliano and Daniela company while they contend with their grief and loss. The dog also plays a massive part in the recovery efforts of the missing child, Paula, as it continues its existence in a world where its friend is no longer alive. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Goal is a Capable Companion With a Variety of Skills
Although Goal is primarily bred as a domestic dog, it is a resourceful canine that can help humans with more than just their emotional needs. Following Rodri’s passing, the dog is left with no one to interact with, as the young boy was his faithful companion and partner with whom he would always play. As a dark shadow falls over the household after the tragedy, each family member is mainly preoccupied with their mourning, and the dog is the same. However, owing to its superior senses, it aids massively in the search for Paula, the daughter of Fabián, who goes missing after the jumping castle at the children’s birthday party goes airborne. By the end of the season, Goal is shown to be healthy and fine as it lives with its owners, who have managed to move past their loss.
As Daniela is a police officer in Santa Cruz—the town in Mexico where the narrative is set—it is likely that many of the skills instilled in Goal are a by-product of her training. The dog is akin to a military rescue animal, up to the challenge of carrying out precarious tasks that are needed for Daniela’s day-to-day job. It sniffs out Paula’s location after it travels with Daniela and Fabián on a riverboat. It also remains calm when Charro enters Emiliano’s household, looking to hurt his daughter, Lucia. While other dogs may not have the wherewithal to remain silent, Goal is trained to do so. Additionally, the beloved pet’s name directly connects with Rodri’s affinity for the game of soccer.
Throughout the narrative, Goal is privy to the escalating affairs engulfing his owners after the death of the three children. It witnesses the turmoil of their situation and how things are slowly spiraling out of control. However, it cannot influence those decisions beyond its support role whenever people need to be rescued or saved. Ultimately, Goal suffers like its family, losing touch with its friend with whom it shares several memories. But in the season’s conclusion, it is depicted as alright and living life as best as it can after the death of Rodri.
Read More: Netflix’s The Accident: Is the Show Inspired by Real Events?