Netflix’s The Dads: Where Are They Now?

Navigating the world as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community comes with its unique set of challenges, and for parents of children on the spectrum, these difficulties are heightened. The vulnerabilities faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals, especially children, demand a nuanced understanding and dedicated efforts to ensure their safety. Netflix’s ‘The Dads’ delves into the poignant narratives of six fathers who, in the face of these challenges, come together to share their experiences, discuss the threats their children encounter, and find strength through solidarity. Let’s explore where these fathers are now and how their shared experiences have influenced their paths.

Stephen Chukumba is Corporate Brilliance and Ally

In ‘The Dads,’ Chambuka Anjorin candidly shares the challenges his son, Hobbes, faces as a black trans individual in a world rife with threats. Residing in New York City, Chambuka serves as a Senior Manager at Capital One, where he has dedicated over five years of his professional life. Beyond his corporate role, he is the founder of Taller Brand LLC, established in 2015. Chambuka’s commitment extends to filmmaking, with notable projects like ‘All Political Prisoners,’ ‘The Inconvenience of Being Black,’ and ‘Black Market Green: The Whitewashing of the Marijuana Industry.’ With a legal background spanning over 20 years, he is a former attorney and a staunch advocate and ally of the LGBTQ+ community. Chambuka’s insights and profiles have graced esteemed platforms such as The Guardian, CNN, and USA Today. Having experienced the loss of his partner, he embraces the responsibility of raising four children on his own, driven by a profound determination to provide them with the best possible future.

Frank Gonzales is Always by his Daughter’s Side

Frank Gonzales, the father of Libby Gonzales, has been an unwavering pillar of support for his daughter’s journey as a trans woman. Libby began identifying as a woman at the age of 3, and the Gonzales family has been in the public eye ever since. Frank and his family have become vocal advocates against various anti-trans state bills, actively engaging in conversations surrounding custody rights and public bathroom access for transgender individuals. Residing in Texas, Frank acknowledges the challenges his daughter faces in a state that may not be entirely friendly towards her identity. Despite the potential dangers, Frank has never pressured Libby to conform or change who she is, standing firmly by her side in the face of any adversity. He is accompanied by his wife, Rachel Gonzales on this journey and the couple has another daughter together.

In a post shared online, he said, “As a father, there is no greater responsibility than loving and protecting each of my children – it feels as though I have been entrusted with life’s most precious of gifts. I am so grateful for each of our blessings and will never stop fighting the inequalities and discrimination in this state until every single child is protected and appreciated exactly as they are.”

Jose Trujillo is a Small Business-Owner

In 2016, Jose received the news from his child Daniel, who came out as a boy. As an immigrant chasing the American Dream since the age of 9, Jose faced the revelation with an open heart. Raised in the Catholic faith, he had observed Daniel’s non-conforming behavior from the age of 2, witnessing his son, who was then his daughter, experimenting with clothing. Despite his cultural and religious background, Jose believed that his child deserved a world free from discrimination, and the most fundamental thing he could offer was love and unwavering support. The family now resides in Tucson, actively advocating for transgender rights. Both Jose and his wife Lizette are small business owners and proud members of the Human Rights Campaign’s Parents for Transgender Equality council. Their journey is a testament to the power of acceptance and advocacy within the familial unit.

Peter Betz is a Renowned Chef

Peter Betz, a renowned chef who graduated from the Culinary Institute of America, made an impactful appearance in the documentary to discuss his child Samantha. Currently serving as the Director of Culinary at New York Hilton Midtown for the past two years, he resides in New York. During the documentary, Betz candidly shared his journey and concerns as a father navigating the challenges faced by his transgender child. The importance of connecting with other fathers became evident to him, and he realized that this shared journey could become more manageable through mutual support. Acknowledging the evolving landscape where certain aspects have become safer while others remain perilous, Betz expressed the common parental sentiment of being vigilant and protective towards his child in a changing world.

Wayne Maines is a Resilient Advocate

Wayne, the dedicated father of Nicole, who made history as TV’s first trans superhero in The CW’s ‘Supergirl’, has been a staunch advocate for transgender rights. In 2009, Wayne confronted a challenging battle against the Orono school district in Maine, his home state, after Nicole faced restroom restrictions at her school. The ordeal took a toll on Wayne, as he endured being labeled a “child abuser” for supporting his transgender child, leading him to quit his job and enter a period of hiding. Despite the difficulties, Wayne persevered and even testified against Senate Bill 14 in Texas, actively contributing to the fight against the alarming rise of anti-trans hate across the country. His commitment to advocating for the rights and dignity of transgender individuals remains unwavering.

Dennis Shepard is an Activist

Dennis, the father of Matthew Shepard, the 21-year-old student from the University of Wyoming whose murder in October 1998 became a high-profile case for LGBTQ rights, chose to focus on the positive memories shared with his son in the documentary. Dennis used to be an oil industry safety specialist but chose to retire from the position in 2009. Currently serving as the co-founder of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, an advocacy group, along with his wife Judy Shepard, Dennis actively supports trans rights and was a strong ally for Matthew during his lifetime. He has also appeared in a lot of TV shows over the years such as ‘Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine’ and ‘Invisible Wyoming’ and has also talked about his son on live broadcast shows such as ‘Today.’ In the face of rising hate crimes against trans individuals, Dennis and Judy use their voices to advocate for change, feeling a sense of concern for the country’s perceived regression. Both remain actively involved in Casper, honoring their son’s memory and striving to contribute positively to the ongoing dialogue around LGBTQ rights.

Read More: 14 Best Transgender Movies of All Time