Directed by Malcolm Washington, ‘The Piano Lesson’ is a period drama that follows an African American family in 1936 Pittsburgh as they struggle with social and economic setbacks while debating the fate of their family piano. The Charles family cherishes their heirloom, an intricately carved piano featuring the art of their enslaved ancestor. When the Great Depression puts them under dire financial straits, Boy Willie seeks to sell the piano and buy a farm, while Doaker is strictly against it. However, some family members believe that the spirits of their ancestors are tied to the antique musical instrument. Based on August Wilson’s 1987 play of the same name, the Netflix film creates a powerful narrative of race and heritage, brought to life with rustic backdrops and historical urban settings.
The Piano Lesson Filming Locations
Despite being set in Pittsburgh, ‘The Piano Lesson’ is mainly filmed across locations in Georgia, including Atlanta, Rome, Canton, Macon, Social Circle, and Bostwick. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is primarily featured in establishing shots of the film. Principal photography began on April 17, 2023, and wrapped up by June 17 of the same year. The film is Malcolm Washington’s feature directorial debut, and he admitted feeling nervous on the first day, but Samuel L. Jackson eased the tension with comedic ad-libbing.
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta served as the primary filming location for ‘The Piano Lesson.’ The production team set up shop at Shadowbox Studios, where many of the interior locations of the film—including the Charles family living room that houses the piano—were created using soundstages. Located at 1415 Constitution Road Southeast, the facility features cutting-edge equipment and support infrastructure, including nine soundstages, workshops, and mill spaces.
Rome, Georgia
Located northwest of Atlanta near the border with Alabama, the city of Rome in Floyd County was also chosen as one of the filming locations for ‘The Piano Lesson.’ The film crews were spotted on Fourth Avenue in the Rivers District, setting up vintage cars in front of antiquated properties, likely capturing exterior city sequences. Soon after they began filming in mid-April, rain disrupted the shoot, and the cars were covered until the downpour subsided.
Canton, Georgia
Additional outdoor scenes for ‘The Piano Lesson’ were shot in Canton, Georgia, a small city in Cherokee County. Situated north of Atlanta, the town hosted the construction of a Pittsburgh street corner. The elaborate set was built under the supervision of production designer David Bomba. The design was based on research he and Washington conducted on August Wilson’s old Pittsburgh neighborhood.
Macon, Georgia
Macon became a spontaneous shooting destination for ‘The Piano Lesson’ after the production team saw the historical environment of the city in Bibb County. They reportedly fell in love with the atmosphere and decided to tape a few scenes in parts of the city that served as perfect backdrops. Macon’s downtown is known for its well-preserved early 19th-century architecture, which may have drawn the film crew to the city.
Social Circle, Georgia
Situated east of Atlanta in Walton County, Social Circle is a small town surrounded by landscapes that exude rustic Southern charm and feature in ‘The Piano Lesson.’ More specifically, the production team traveled to the city in early June to capture some of the film’s exterior train sequences. This was likely done at the Georgia Railroad Depot on 200 South Dogwood Avenue, which was rebuilt in 1866 and retains intact historical structures, carriages, and railway lines that the film crew would have needed.
Bostwick, Georgia
The small town of Bostwick in Morgan County is another shooting location for ‘The Piano Lesson’ that helped create the 1930s environments seen in the film. The town itself is a blast from the past, and the exterior of a mid-sized historic home seen in the film was actually captured using the John Bostwick House on Highway 83. Filming was carried out in Bostwick in late May and early June.
Read More: The Piano Lesson Ending, Explained
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