Netflix’s ‘Love is Blind‘ is a show that gets more and more entertaining with every season. In the recently released sixth installment of the series, we were introduced to several intriguing cast members who hoped to find their future spouses through the social experiment. For Trevor Sova, it seemed like he may have found just the person he was looking for. However, things did not go the way he might have wanted, but he was still able to garner much support from the viewers.
Trevor Sova and His Unfinished Pod Love Story
Entering the Netflix series, Trevor Sova hoped to find someone who matched his energy. Fortunately for him, the reality star actually found himself instantly connecting with none other than Chelsea Blackwell. The ready banter between the two and their shared interests allowed them to easily fall into a bond that they came to cherish. However, Chelsea had also found herself falling into an easy relationship with Jimmy Presnell.
As time went on, Trevor realized that his connection with Chelsea was a unique one, and he wanted to be fully dedicated to her. Even when he learned that Chelsea had actually been married for five years to her high school sweetheart, whom she wed as an 18-year-old, Trevor emphasized that he did not think it was a major deal. He added that he certainly wasn’t someone who expected their partner to have never been physically intimate with anyone else before. Having not received the best reaction to the same news from Jimmy, Chelsea could not help but break down, with Trevor ready to help in any manner possible.
Despite the fact that both men were pursuing a connection with Chelsea, Trevor remained good friends with Jimmy. However, it did not stop him from boldly declaring his love for Chelsea, hoping that he would be chosen over Trevor. Initially ecstatic, Chelsea could not help but feel overwhelmed when Jimmy also confessed to the same. Not much later, both men were ready to propose to Chelsea, who was still unsure about just who she should pick.
On the fateful day, Chelsea first went to talk to Jimmy, who professed his intention to marry her. Though torn, Chelsea agreed to the proposal and could not wait to meet him. She then went to talk to Trevor, who could not help but feel heartbroken. He shared that he had a whole speech prepared to ask for her hand and wondered aloud if Chelsea would have accepted his proposal had she walked into the pod opposite to him first. When Chelsea did not refute it, Trevor declared that this was not a good sign, especially for Jimmy’s sake.
The next time Trevor appeared on the show was during the get-together of the cast members in Charlotte, North Carolina. This was where he met Chelsea for the first time face-to-face. Both admitted that they found each other attractive and talked about how they could see how things could have been between them. Given the recent argument that Chelsea had had with Jimmy, she did seem to be pondering about how things could have been different with Trevor.
However, at no point did it seem like Chelsea was inclined towards breaking things off with Jimmy. She and Trvor even shared a mild joke over the fact they still had each other’s bracelets. Nevertheless, Trevor seemed to be in good spirits and was even friendly with Jimmy, given that the two men had been on good terms with each other during the pods.
Trevor Sova is Now a Project Technician
Trevor Sova currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is gaining much fame thanks to his status as a Netflix star. The huge dog-lover recently said goodbye to his dog Duke, who passed away after fighting a tumor on the nose for quite some time. “For a big dog, 12 is a great life, though, and he lived it to the fullest up until the end. Duke had been part of my life since I was a teenager, so this was not easy at all. I Love you, buddy,” Trevor said in an Instagram post while talking about the passing of his beloved pet in late January 2024.
Given the recent loss in his life, Trevor is spending more time than ever with his other dog, Bear, who often appears on his social media feed. The reality TV star is also quite focused on his physical fitness and often goes to the gym to maintain his physique. On a more professional note, he is currently a part of Cardinal Health, having joined the organization in March 2023 as a Project Technician.
Since his time on the show, rumors have surrounded Trevor that he had actually been in a relationship while he took part in the social experiment. The claims have been made with screenshots of text messages that show Matthew saying ‘I love you’ to someone around the same time as the production of the series. In the reunion episode, Trevor stated that he had been close with a girl at that time, someone he would have “gone for in real life.” However, he added that he had never asked this person to be his partner and, hence, was technically not in a relationship.
Trevor shared that he had been close to the person on the other side of the text messages, but he thought they were toxic together. He added that his intentions about going into the show were not malicious, but he admitted that they also were perhaps not the best. He apologized to everyone about his actions, including Chelsea, telling her that he was open to clarifying anything she wanted and reassuring her that he had not been untruthful to her.
Read More: Matthew Duliba: Where is the Love is Blind Contestant Now?
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