‘Married at First Sight’ is an Australian television reality series that follows a team of experts as they bring two complete strangers together in a quest to test their compatibility. In the 4th season of the show that aired in 2017, then 31-year-old Vanessa Belvedere from Melbourne and 30-year-old Andy Hill from Queensland signed up to try their luck in finding love through a social experiment. The pair seemed like they didn’t have a lot in common, but soon fell for each other, leading viewers to believe the couple might stick around with each other, because – opposites attract. However, it’s been a while since those speculations and since the two decided to take their relationship ahead. So, has Vanessa and Andy’s growing compatibility and love for each other eventually managed to stand the test of time? Are they still together?
Vanessa and Andy Couldn’t Get Over Their Communication Problems
Right from the moment they were introduced to each other on the show, Vanessa and Andy seemed to click. Though the two seemed poles apart in their expectations and behavior, they shared an instant spark that was visible to the most ardent viewers of the show. Fans couldn’t help but hope for the pair to say “yes” as their final decision because of how adorable they looked together. But, the couple soon realized that communication was going to be an issue for them.
Even as Andy continued to remain constant in his growing feelings of love and affection for the talkative and fun-loving university student, Vanessa was troubled with doubts surrounding his introverted nature. Despite her qualms and her attempts to adjust to Andy’s difficulty in trying to open up, Vanessa was willing to do all it takes to make their long-distance interstate relationship work and said on cameras, “I’m excited to see what happens between us.” For ardent viewers of the show, they couldn’t be more happy seeing the pair wanting to work on themselves.
Vanessa is Now Focused on Wellness, While Andy Finds Comfort in His Travels
Though Vanessa and Andy persisted with their relationship away from the cameras, their differences began to take a toll on them. As finals week arrived, the couple sat down for a talk neither was prepared to have. As the teary-eyed duo had a difficult conversation, Vanessa told him, “I don’t want you to change for me. I know what I’m looking for. That’s why I’m still single at 31. It’s because I want that, and I’ll find it.” The difficult discussion eventually led the couple to go their separate ways right before the reunion episode.
A teary-eyed Vanessa, referring to Andy’s lack of communication skills, said, “I want someone that appreciates you for who you are and doesn’t make you feel like you being quiet is a bad trait because it’s not.” A visibly overwhelmed Andy accepted Vanessa’s predicament. However, in an exclusive chat with OK! Andy revealed that “It became a mutual decision to break up.” Shedding further light on the equation, he said, “Honestly, I wouldn’t usually go for someone like Vanessa. If we met under different circumstances we probably would not have tried to make it work.” Despite not ending up with each other, the pair don’t harbor any grudges or ill-will against each other.
Hours after the finale was aired, Vanessa seemed to have found herself the perfect man. Sharing a snippet of her mystery lover, she had made it clear that she’d moved on from her reality television show husband. However, it isn’t known if the pair are still together or have separated. Vanessa, who currently resides in Brisbane, now chooses to focus her time and energy on herself and is a wellness and pilates instructor at Polestar Pilates Studio. She’s quite active on social media and keeps her fans and well-wishers updated with her lifestyle and fitness journey, but is quite tight-lipped when it comes to her personal life.
Meanwhile, after their break-up was announced, Andy, too decided to work on himself and chose to go on a hike to the Himalayas. He also became the proud owner of a dog named Squid. Shy and reserved from the start, Andy has preferred to stay away from the limelight and instead focuses on spending time with friends and family, doing all that he loves and enjoys. While he does have a social media presence, he’s quite inactive there and has refrained from sharing updates on his personal life.
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