Although the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre of December 14, 2012, is one of the most brutal mass shootings in recent US history, many actually deny it ever even occurred. This is precisely what HBO’s ‘The Truth vs. Alex Jones’ delves into, with a particular focus on the effect of it all on the loved ones of those kids who sadly lost their lives on the fateful day. Amongst them are actually Noah Pozner’s parents – Veronique De La Rosa Haller and Leonard “Lenny” Pozner – so now, if you simply wish to learn more about them, we’ve got the details for you.
Who Are Noah Pozner’s Parents?
With Noah being a twin as well as the only boy among Veronique and Lenny’s four kids, just like his siblings, he was definitely loved, cared for, and admired every step of the way in life. However, little did anyone know that shortly following his 6th birthday, he’d end up passing away in one of the worst ways imaginable – in school at the hands of a 20-year-old troubled youngster. That’s when the world for the entire Pozner family turned upside down, especially because they subsequently had to deal with outlandish conspiracy theories, lies, and harassment too.
The truth is Veronique was admittedly on autopilot in the days following her son’s demise, so her interview with Anderson Cooper for CNN was a bit short and quick. However, neither she nor anyone else ever expected that the whole thing would soon be deemed a lie owing to her behavior, plus some video editing to make it appear as if they were in front of a green screen. Then came the slew of fake news, claiming the entire Sandy Hook incident was a hoax planned by the government and that nobody had died, essentially painting all grieving parents as manipulative liars.
That’s when Lenny realized that there was more online coverage of the fake rather than the facts of what’d transpired, driving him to devote every bit of his free time to get that former content removed. It was 2014 when he began this quest by initially contacting the creators and deniers, but when he knew nothing he’d say would make a difference as they began requesting him to exhume Noah’s body as proof, he began filing infringement claims so as to get photos, videos, and any other fake or personally harming detail (like their actual home address) removed.
“I have to absolutely defend the memory of my son — I have no choice,” Lenny once candidly said. “I know how some of these theories build up. They don’t fade away, and the more time they spend online, the more accepted they become… Conspiracy theories erase history, they erase our memories, and how will this event (Sandy Hook) be remembered a hundred years from now? So I think it’s important, the work that I’m doing now.” But alas, nothing he did worked in the long run as more content kept popping up, with InfoWars’ founder Alex Jones being responsible for a lot of it, leading to him and Veronique filing a defamation case against him.
Where Are Noah Pozner’s Parents Now?
Owing to the continuous harassment Veronique and Lenny have faced over the years, they have had to leave Connecticut for good and relocate countless times with their remaining kids. In fact, according to records, with pending court proceedings, they currently still live in hiding in a high-security community hundreds of miles from where their late 6-year-old son is buried in Newtown. Though we should mention that it appears as if the couple divorced in 2015 – they seemingly remain on amicable terms considering their kids plus their shared life experiences, but they’re no longer together.
Coming to Veronique and Lenny’s current standing, from what we can tell, they’re dedicated to ensuring that their son’s memories and legacy is restored to its original glory without any tarnishment. Moreover, the latter has since even launched HONR Network, which is a nonprofit organization working towards combating online hate and harassment, all the while offering guidance to all those affected by it. The fact one individual – Lucy Richards – was sentenced to 5 months in federal prison in 2017 for threatening his life in an extremely disturbing manner is proof such an establishment was needed.
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