The Sameer Saxena creation, ‘Kaala Paani,’ is an Indian thriller drama series following an ensemble of characters who are surrounded by the sea from all sides, enveloping them and making it hard for them to escape the wrath of nature in the form of a mysterious and deadly illness. This leads to the people on the island fighting for survival and desperately trying to find a cure in a race against time. The invisible battle between the human race and nature makes the inhabitants of the island realize that their destinies are intertwined with nature, just as much as they are intertwined with each other.
The Netflix production consists of brilliant performances from a group of talented Indian actors, including Ashutosh Gowariker, Mona Singh, Sukant Goel, Amey Wagh, Vikas Kumar, and Arushi Sharma. The story is set in the picturesque and peaceful Andaman and Nicobar Islands which turn into an illness-ridden place causing the death of many inhabitants. Meanwhile, the backdrop of the lush green terrains and sandy beaches makes many of you wonder where ‘Kaala Paani’ is shot. In that case, allow us to fill you in on all the details about the same!
Kaala Paani Filming Locations
‘Kaala Paani’ is filmed in its entirety in India, particularly on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. According to reports, production on the inaugural iteration of the thriller series got underway in April 2022 and continued for about 40 days or so, before wrapping up in late May of the same year. Now, without further ado, allow us to walk you through all the specific locations where the gruesome deaths due to illness take place in the Netflix series!
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Since the story is set in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the production team of ‘Kaala Paani’ decided to shoot the series on location across the islands. Situated at the junction of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, it is a union territory that consists of 571 islands scattered in close proximity to one another. Port Blair, the capital city of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, serves as one of the primary production locations with the filming site setting up camp in different parts of the city.
For instance, the campuses of Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya (JNRM Port Blair) at MQ82+7GQ, South Point in Shadipur and Government Girls Senior Secondary School at MP8X+PCH, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, both in Port Blair, feature heavily in various important scenes. The filming unit also utilizes the terrains of the district of Haddo and Corbyn’s Cove Beach for shooting purposes. During the production process of the debut season, the cast and crew members could be spotted taping several pivotal beach scenes on Swaraj Dweep as well, including Radhanagar Beach and Kala Pathar Beach. Apart from that, a few other beaches across the islands also appear in some pivotal sequences — Chidiya Tapu Beach, Collinpur Beach, and Munda Pahad Beach.
Read More: Best Thriller TV Series on Netflix