HBO’s ‘The Anarchists’ is a six-episode documentary that revolves around an eclectic group of idealists, fugitives, and crypto-enthusiasts as they push forth an anti-government movement like no other. After all, although their goal is to lead a peaceful life with complete personal freedom, their radical new way of thinking does end up giving rise to unimaginable challenges as well as threats. Amongst these individuals were none other than the happily married couple Lisa and Nathan T. Freeman — so now, if you wish to learn more about them, we’ve got the necessary details for you.
Who Are Lisa and Nathan Freeman?
It was back in the early to mid-2010s when Lisa and Nathan started toying with the idea of relocating from their suburban Atlanta home since they weren’t really enjoying their daily experiences. The former was a teacher, whereas the latter was the co-founder and director emeritus of OpenNTF as well as the co-founder and chief software architect at Red Pills Now, but it wasn’t enough. They desired true freedom for themselves and their growing brood, which is why they were pushing towards complete anarchy, only to soon stumble upon Jeff Berwick’s Anarchapulco paradise.
Lisa and Nathan, alongside their kids, actually attended the first Anarchapulco conference in Mexico in 2015 “with the specific intent to find out if [it] could be a place [they’d] wanna live.” And they quickly realized they’d found not only their new home but also their real community, driving them to pack their bags to move, especially as Nathan had talked to Jeff about running the whole thing. In other words, the Georgia IBM Champion became the Operations Manager, Official Cat Herder, and Director for the largest anarcho-capitalist festival in the world, just for it to evolve into much more.
Lisa Freeman is Taking Care of Her Family After Nathan’s Death
Lisa and Nathan’s life in Mexico was seemingly bliss for the first few years; they’d welcomed their third child Ira Belle (following Meta and Axiom), they were doing well thanks to cryptocurrency, and they felt utterly free. However, with a clear financial as well as personal divide gradually coming to light amid the anarchists, things started to change for the worse, and Nathan was not even a part of Anarchapulco by the time 2019 came around. Unfortunately, what’s worse is that he soon fell victim to a scam and then fell ill (stage 4 cirrhosis), as per a GoFundMe page set up for the family.
At the age of 47, Nathan sadly passed away from his illness in April 2021, leaving behind his loving wife, Lisa, and their three adorable kids, who still seem to miss him more than words can ever convey. They have since shifted out of the home they shared, yet it’s evident they’re still based in Mexico, where Lisa has picked up a career as a clinical nutritionist and personal trainer to provide for the family. “We will be ok,” she said back in May 2021. “One day at a time… thank you everyone for all your support.🖤💛🤍❤️”
In April 2022, Lisa detailed her genuine emotions on her Instagram account by writing, in part, “Moving has always been a part of our family. We enjoy refresh, and renewal, and repurpose… My role as head of the family has put a lot of weight on my back. It has made me stronger emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. It has risen me to a point I never thought possible. There really is no tapping out. It’s GO time always and challenging.”
“It has been hard for me to stay strong while staying soft,” she continued. “It has been hard to stay persistent and empathetic. I have been thrown into a [whirlwind] where balance is king. And at times, I know I have fallen. Fallen very HARD!! Nathan was [the] Ying to “me” Yang… ——> This is no longer a new chapter. This is a new book. <——”
Read More: Where is Jeff Berwick Today?
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