Chandrakant Jha’s murderous rampage in Delhi, India, ended with him being convicted of three gruesome slayings. However, he has been accused of killing many more. Netflix’s ‘Indian Predator: The Butcher Of Delhi’ chronicles Chandrakant’s life, motivations, and eventual arrest in May 2007. The docuseries also delves into the lives of the victims’ families and how they were affected by the murders. Anil Mandal was one of the men Chandrakant killed. Anil’s wife and son, Bharati and Vijay Mandal, talked about dealing with not knowing what happened to Anil for a long time and searching everywhere for him before learning of his death.
Who Are Anil Mandal’s Wife and Son?
On the show, Bharati talked about moving to Delhi with their children and making a living by selling vegetables. She remembered how Anil would work at the local market or sometimes travel to Punjab for agricultural work. At one point, Bharati was at her parents’ home when she was pregnant and, upon coming back, realized that Anil had been sent to jail after being framed in a criminal case.
Bharati returned home, and Anil was eventually released on bail. Later, he left for his court hearing but never came back home. Then, early morning one day in October 2006, the authorities found a male torso wrapped up and placed in a basket outside Tihar Jail in Delhi. The head was decapitated, and the body was bound. Investigation revealed that it was Anil’s body and Chandrakant had killed him; the two had been friends.
But sadly, the family never learned of it. Instead, Bharati initially felt that her husband had found work elsewhere or was put back in prison, so they waited for him to come back. In the meantime, Vijay, the son, took up more responsibility by working at the market, rag picking, and hawking plastic. On the show, Vijay talked about making that money to pay for rent and, hopefully, for his father’s bail or to bribe the police.
The family kept searching for Anil but found no trace of him. Vijay mentioned on the show that the police would take their money, make them wait, and later come back and say a visit wasn’t possible. He alleged that the authorities would ask him and his mother to come back on a different day to see him. Vijay and Bharati kept getting redirected to various police stations but had no idea what had happened to their father.
Anil Mandal’s Wife and Son Are Trying to Move Forward in Life
It wasn’t until years later that Bharati and Vijay learned about Anil being murdered by Chandrakant. On the show, Bharati talked about not even knowing when her husband was killed. Vijay felt that the police should have at least made an effort to let them identify the body and was angry about being made to run around for their father. Ultimately, the two of them talked about leaving it all in the past and maintained that they don’t think about it anymore. It seems like the family has been trying to move on and make a living. Bharati and Vijay have chosen to keep their lives private, with their last known location being Delhi, where they lost Anil.
Read More: Where Is Chandrakant Jha Now?
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