Lena and Bill Andrews: Diana Duve’s Parents Prefer to Lead a Private Life Now

Image Credit: TC Palm

Witnessing the death of a child is the worst kind of nightmare a parent can ever imagine. Tragically, Diana Duve’s parents were forced to confront such an ordeal when their daughter went missing on June 20, 2014, after exiting a restaurant at the Royal Palm Pointe in Vero Beach, Florida. The police used cell phone records to locate her car before finding the victim’s body stashed inside the trunk. ’48 Hours: Where is Diana Duve’ chronicles the gruesome murder and follows the investigation that led straight to Diana’s boyfriend, Michael Jones. However, if you are eager to know more about the case’s details and want to find out where her parents are today, we have you covered.

Who Are Diana Duve’s Parents?

Although Diana was a native of Moldova and spent most of her growing years there, she moved to the United States at 13 to be close to her mother, Lena Andrews. By then, the latter was happily married to Florida businessman Bill Andrews, and the two settled in Vero Beach, Florida. Even though he was Diana’s stepfather, he developed an incredible bond with her and considered her his daughter. Furthermore, Bill was ready to support her in every possible way. Neighbors who knew the family mentioned they were always happy and loved participating in community events and making memories together.

Image Credit: Diana Duve/Facebook

Besides, Diana’s mother and stepfather encouraged her to follow her dreams, and they were overjoyed when she decided to study nursing at Santa Fe Community College after graduating high school. Subsequently, in August 2009, she began attending the University of South Florida’s College of Nursing before graduating in 2011 and becoming a Registered Nurse in Florida. On June 20, 2014, Diana was last seen alive when she and her boyfriend, Michael Jones, were spotted leaving a restaurant at the Royal Palm Pointe in Vero Beach, Florida.

While Diana’s mother and stepfather had met Michael before the incident, they believed he was the perfect boyfriend as he seemed really caring and even had a promising career ahead of him. Yet, reports mention that some of the victim’s friends knew he would often abuse his girlfriend physically, making her fear for her life. Nevertheless, when Diana failed to return home on the night of June 20, 2014, her parents approached the police and reported her missing. They even cooperated with the investigation to the best of their abilities and requested that the authorities bring their daughter back safely.

Sadly, Lena and Bill’s worst fears came true when law enforcement officials found Diana’s deceased body in the trunk of her car. They and the authorities initially suspected her boyfriend of being involved in the disappearance and murder. Still, Michael seemed to have disappeared into thin air, and the police tried everything possible to track him down. Eventually, cellphone information led authorities to a Fort Pierce motel, where they arrested him. In the meantime, CCTV footage spotted Michael withdrawing substantial money from his bank and buying a burner phone, further hinting at his guilt.

Where Are Diana Duve’s Parents Now?

Image Credit: TC Palm

Once Michael was presented in court, Lena and Andrew lobbied for the death sentence, believing it to be the only way to get Diana justice. Yet, even though he was convicted of first-degree murder, the judge sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole in 2019. While in court, Diana’s mother addressed the jury through a heartfelt speech. Lena said, “I not only lost my only child. With her, I lost all of my hopes, dreams, and expectations. I will never go to my daughter’s wedding. I will never hug her again. No one will ever call me mom again. I will never see her in a wedding dress. I will never have the grandchildren I hoped for.”

Moreover, while Lena was disappointed at the lack of a death penalty, she was sure that Michael would die in prison and would never be able to hurt another person. Since the trial, Diana’s parents have embraced privacy and prefer to keep their personal life under wraps. From the looks of it, Lena and Bill still reside in Vero Beach, Florida, where they have built a life surrounded by their loved ones.

Read More: Diana Duve Murder: Where Is Michael Jones Now?