Where Are Sully and Jessica Urbina Now? My Encounter with Evil Update

As the name suggests, Netflix’s ‘My Encounter with Evil’ follows three Mexican women as they recount their terrifying encounters with the paranormal. Each woman believed evil demons possessed them, and the series details their experiences through one-on-one interviews and expert analysis. Furthermore, we get an authentic sneak peek into their lives and learn how the incidents affected their loved ones.

Jessica Urbina’s mother, Sully Urbina, came onto the show to share her experience after discovering a demon possessed her daughter. Although they tried everything to combat the evil presence, they eventually chose an unorthodox and uncommon solution, making fans eager to know where they are at present. Well, let’s find out, shall we?

Who Are Sully and Jessica Urbina?

Natives of Mexico, Sully Urbina and her daughter, Jessica, went through a terrifying experience when they believed an evil demon possessed the latter. On the show, Sully mentioned she had a difficult childhood and was emotionally and physically abused. Although it was difficult for her to bear the trauma and violence, she always found hope, guidance, and bravery in her grandfather, Jorge Urbina, who tried his best to protect and heal her.

Sully Urbina

Inspired by her grandfather and determined to discover the reason behind people’s violent streaks, Sully studied forensic psychiatry and began building a career in the same field. Jessica, too, had a rough childhood as their parents were separated, and she would get sad seeing her friends interact with their loved ones. However, Sully protected her from abuse and tried to give her everything a growing child might need. In fact, Sully was so protective and loving of her daughter that Jessica later shared she never felt the absence of a father figure in her life.

Incidentally, Jessica began experiencing strange occurrences from her growing years as the girl often claimed to see an unidentified female figure standing in the shadows. She even put her visions on paper but was eventually ignored by her teachers and bullied by her peers. Thus, Jessica developed a private personality and kept to herself most of the time. Her paranormal experiences soon intensified, and she claimed she saw an old man with a stick in her room. Moreover, she would feel highly irritated at God’s name and unnecessarily angry with her loved ones.

Sully didn’t suspect much at first, but she got concerned once her daughter started getting unexplainable bruises and cuts all over her body. Besides, even though Jessica’s mother consulted with several professionals, including a child psychiatrist, she showed no improvement. Eventually, her behavior turned highly erratic, and she seemed to develop superhuman strength.

Sully claimed that she had seen her daughter’s eyes go completely white, which is when she knew that an evil spirit had possessed her. It is said that the demon even identified himself as Asmodeus yet claimed he was there to protect Jessica and would never let any harm come to her.

Sully and Jessica Urbina Still Believe in the Existence of Demon

Finding no way out, Sully and Jessica contacted a Satanist who taught them how to spin the situation in their favor. The mother went on to claim that once they understood why the demon had taken over Jessica, they were able to come to terms with it. Currently, Jessica still fears being attacked, while Sully is an out-and-out Satanist and claims she is married to a demon named Seth. The show even explained that because of Sully’s marriage with a demon, she has an alliance with him and remains under his protection at all times.

Jessica Urbina

While Sully and Jessica still seem to reside in Mexico, the latter is entirely private regarding her personal life. On the other hand, her mother currently works as a forensic psychiatrist, a graphologist, and a body language specialist. Besides, she even practices alternative therapy, offers her service as a medium, and spreads the word of Satanism through social media.

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