The generally peaceful town of Bayview, Idaho, witnessed a terrifying incident when Patricia Heath, along with her son Jedidiah, husband Michael, and mother-in-law, Yvonne Wallis, were attacked by their neighbor, Larry Cragun, in December 2010. While the attack resulted in Patricia’s death, the other family members were left traumatized and injured. Investigation Discovery’s ‘Dead Silent: Madness On The Lake’ takes the viewer through the gruesome incident and follows the investigation that got to the bottom of the matter.
Who Are Yvonne Wallis, Michael Heath, and Jedidiah Heath?
Yvonne Wallis, her son Michael Heath, daughter-in-law Patricia Heath and grandson Jedidiah were longtime residents of Bayview, Idaho. Belonging to a tight-knit community, the Heaths were described as one of the most helpful and welcoming families in the area. They have always been on excellent terms with most of the townsfolk and have never hesitated to offer assistance wherever needed. Moreover, they were also known for standing beside members of the community in times of crisis, which made the sudden attack on them all the more shocking.
When Larry Cragun, his wife, Katie, and their daughter, Emma, moved to Bayview, Idaho, the Heaths were the first to welcome them to the community. They even called the Craguns to barbeque parties, and Michael seemed to get along with Larry in the initial few days. However, the show mentioned that Larry had a history of mental health issues, and once he lost his job in the marina, things went downhill. He would spend most of his time at the local bar. Thus, Katie eventually decided to move to her sister’s house with Emma.
Katie even shared her decision with Patricia and Yvonne, who supported her and asked Jedidiah to drive her out of town. The separation from his wife irked Larry further, and he started living like a recluse, constantly in fear of being attacked. Patricia, Michael, Jedidiah, and Yvonne were spending a quiet afternoon on December 20, 2010, when their neighbor, Larry Cragun, walked into their home. Since most people in Bayview trusted each other, residents rarely locked their doors. Hence, Larry was able to walk straight to the living room, where he found the family gathered around the television.
As soon as the Heaths noticed Larry, they stood up to greet him, but he brought out a hammer and began attacking them mercilessly. All four members of the family suffered blows to their heads. Once Larry fled the scene, Michael and Jedidiah rushed to Patricia’s side as she appeared severely injured. They called 911 and asked for help, but the injuries led to Patricia’s death the following day. Incidentally, hours after committing the crime, Larry boasted about attacking the Heaths while drinking at the local pub. The patrons did not waste any time handing him over to law enforcement authorities.
What Happened to Yvonne Wallis, Michael Heath, and Jedidiah Heath?
While Yvonne, Michael, and Jedidiah, were left injured and shocked after the attack, they gradually recovered under medical care. However, the news of Patricia’s death devastated the Heath family. To this day, Yvonne misses her daughter-in-law terribly. Ever since Patricia came into the family, she had been like a daughter to Yvonne, and the two shared a tight-knit bond. Hence, it was naturally tough for her to accept such an unfair and cruel death.
Moreover, the injuries that Yvonne suffered from the attack brought many health complications, and she had to undergo a host of surgeries and treatments. Unfortunately, since all three survivors of the attack were struggling to get by, they faced a lot of financial trouble, and Yvonne could only get the medical care she required once the community stepped in to help.
Since the attack, the family has embraced privacy and decided to keep their personal life under wraps. A 2011 report mentioned that Yvonne was still residing in the Bayview house where the attack transpired, while Michael was living alone in his RV. However, from the looks of it, the Heaths have now shifted to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and have built a life surrounded by family and friends. We are also glad to report that Jedidiah is engaged to Sabrina Heath, and we wish them the very best for the years to come.
Read More: Patricia Heath Murder: Where Is Larry Cragun Now?
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