Adapted for television by Jonathan Lisco based on the eponymous 2010 Australian drama film by David Michôd, ‘Animal Kingdom’ is a dark and gritty crime drama series of slow-burning intrigue. The story follows 17-years-old teenager Joshua Cody as he is compelled to relocate to the house of his estranged family after the death of his mother. As the story progresses, we get further glimpses into the dynamic of the family.
Upon its release, ‘Animal Kingdom’ was received quite well by fans and critics, owing to a tight-knit narrative and a talented cast ensemble that brings the tale to life. The story unfolds in the backdrop of a scenic coastal township. If you are wondering about the locations where the show is filmed, let us give you a detailed tour!
Animal Kingdom Filming Locations
‘Animal Kingdom’ is filmed in its entirety in the US, especially in California. Filming for the fifth season commenced on September 2, 2020, and wrapped up by December of the same year. After the show’s renewal for a sixth and final season, the production team began filming for the season on March 6, 2021. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the series is filmed!
Oceanside, California
The majority of the show is filmed in and around the Californian coastal city of Oceanside. In an extensive filming schedule, the crew visited numerous locations in the city in the course of the five seasons. The beach house of Smurf’s adopted son Barry Blackwell AKA Baz is located at 406 The Strand South in the city.
Some scenes were filmed at the landmark location of the Oceanside Pier, a fishing pier situated at 200 the Strand North at the coastal edge of the city. The production unit also visited the Oceanside Municipal Airport, a public air traffic hub situated at 480 Airport Road in the city. The bar of Smurf’s youngest son Deran Cody can be located at 314 Wisconsin Avenue in the same township.
The crew also took a tour to Harbor Pelican Deli Mart and Fish Market to film a few important sequences. You can find the market at 1380 North Pacific Street in the city. A few scenes were recorded at the Real Surf Shop, a one-stop shop for surfing equipment located at 1101 South Coast Highway, and at Larry’s Beach Club, a diner situated at 1145 South Tremont Street in the same area. The surf shop doubled as the shop owned by Deran’s crush Adrian in the series.
An important sequence was filmed at Lifeguard Tower 9, a coastal lifeguard station tower located at the intersection of Oceanside Boulevard and South Pacific Street. The crew also filmed a few scenes at the Flying Pig Pub & Kitchen, a rustic and charming eatery located at 626 South Tremont Street, not far from the coastline. Additionally, some sequences are filmed at Tyson Street Park, a public park and recreation area situated along The Strand South.
Several scenes were also filmed at the Oceanside Transportation Center, an important railway interchange station located at 235 South Tremont Street. For filming a flashback scene in the sixth season, the crew erected a skating ramp on an empty parking lot at the southern section of the Strand.
Los Angeles, California
Additionally, some scenes are filmed in a studio environment in the city of Los Angeles. Despite the show’s frequent tours to the picturesque location of the Oceanside, it comes back to its production hub at Los Angeles to give final touches. The studio work of the show is carried out in the iconic Warner Brothers Burbank Studios, a major production studio of historical importance located at 4000 Warner Boulevard, in the neighborhood of Burbank just outside LA.
Read More: Is Animal Kingdom a True Story?
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