‘Biggest Little Christmas Showdown’ is a four-part mini-series that premiered on November 27, 2020, on HGTV. The holiday-themed reality show sees teams of miniaturists competing against each other to create the “merriest” mini-holiday homes. The team that creates the most extravagant mini home wins a grand prize of $50,000, and their miniature model is replicated into a full-sized holiday home decorated for Christmas.
James Monroe Iglehart hosts this unique show. He is known for his Broadway career and his role as Coriolanus Burt on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. In the show, we see some of the most detailed and gorgeous mini-holiday homes handcrafted by the contestants. Naturally, we got curious to know where it was filmed, and here is what we found!
Biggest Little Christmas Showdown: Where Was it Shot?
The holiday-themed miniseries finished filming four episodes in August 2020. Let’s examine where it was filmed.
New York City
‘Biggest Little Christmas Showdown’ is filmed at NEP Studios-Manhattan Center, located at 311 West 34th Street, New York. Through an agreement with Manhattan Center, NEP Studios offers two well-equipped studios, TV-1 studio and TV-2 studio, in Midtown Manhattan.
TV-1 studio has a 3,800 Sq Ft production stage and can accommodate an audience of 200 people. The support space for this studio includes 12,000 Sq Ft of office production space, one green room, five dressing rooms, a holding area for the audience, and a hair and makeup wardrobe. TV-2 studio, slightly smaller than TV-1, is known for hosting talk shows and corporate events. It comprises a fully equipped control room, three green rooms, and a hair and makeup facility.
Midtown Manhattan refers to the central portion of Manhattan and is the largest commercial, entertainment, and media center in the country. It is home to some of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, including the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, and Times Square, which often appear in popular films and television shows.
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