Created by Craig Wright, ‘Delilah’ is a drama series that follows the titular character of Delilah, who leaves her plush job as a lawyer in a corporate firm to devote her time to maternal duties. Her main priority is raising her kids, and she doesn’t want her own ambitions to come in the middle. It has been ten years since her decision, and now she fights cases for the underprivileged.
Delilah’s approach pits her against the rich and powerful making her story a parable of grit and determination. Our protagonist’s life is ensconced in a beautiful neighborhood with a vibrant community. We were intrigued about the lively locations and decided to know more. If you are curious about the same, we have got your back!
Delilah Filming Locations
‘Delilah’ is filmed extensively in Charlotte, North Carolina. The series is also set in The Queen city, making it an integral part of the show. Production began on October 2020 amidst the restrictions induced by the pandemic. Here are the specific filming details!
Charlotte, North Carolina
During the filming process for ‘Delilah’, it’s imperative for the production team to capture the true essence of the city. Some of the scenes were shot at Northwest School of the Arts, located in Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte. The Fourth Ward, a beautiful urban neighborhood, can be spotted as a backdrop in ‘Delilah.’ Other than these places, filming also took place in west Charlotte and Ballantyne—an affluent suburb in the city.
Production of ‘Delilah’ helped usher a new appearance for Charlotte in the filming community. The productions had taken a back-seat for few years because of a change in North Carolina’s tax incentive program in 2014. Since Charlotte is an essential part of a show associated with the Oprah Winfrey Network, it catapulted the city’s economy and image.
The series made prolific use of the city’s existing talent pool. Charlotte native Martin Damien Wilkins, who has assisted director Charles Randolph-Wright in the series, recalled that his transition from theatre to television couldn’t have been at a more opportune moment since the series is shot and set in his hometown. Wilkins has been a long-time protégé of Randolph-Wright.
Randolph-Wright also acknowledged the help of Blumenthal Performing Arts Center CEO Tom Gabbard and Foundation For The Carolinas President and CEO Michael Marsicano, who was instrumental in smoothening the production process. Charlotte’s African-American community was featured in Oprah Winfrey Network’s ‘To Have and To Hold: Charlotte’—a ten-part reality show featuring the ups and downs of five couples. Other shows to have been filmed in Queen City include ‘Homeland’ and ‘Banshee.’
Read More: Is Delilah a True Story?
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