‘Intervention’ is a reality television series created by Sam Mettler that focuses on individuals who are struggling with addiction, whether it be drugs or alcohol. The series aims to shed light on the devastating impact of addiction on individuals and their families while offering hope for recovery and healing. It showcases the power of interventions and the importance of seeking professional help to combat addiction.
Each episode is a unique and often emotional journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of those grappling with substance abuse issues. Episode 19 of season 22 aired on July 12, 2021, and followed the story of Elann Masters, a young woman who had a difficult life and found alcohol as a means to overcome her grief. Her story touched many viewers, so we decided to look into what happened to her after the show.
Elann Master’s Intervention Journey
Elann Master was born in 1989 and grew up in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, as part of a loving family that included her parents and an older brother. However, her family faced a significant challenge as her father struggled with mood disorders and alcoholism for an extended period. In 2006, Elann’s father succumbed to his internal struggles and took his own life by suicide, leaving a lasting impact on her and her family.
The family continued to face adversity when Elann’s older brother, Scott, experienced a brain aneurysm in 2010 at the age of 25, resulting in his untimely death. This devastating loss compounded the family’s already profound challenges, and Elann’s mother, Tracy Masters, later gave an interview where she shared, “I myself was suicidal. You just can’t comprehend it until you’re there.” In the wake of these events, Elann began to use alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with the overwhelming pain in her life. Her mother, deeply concerned for her daughter’s well-being, made every effort to support and assist her.
However, as Elann’s struggle with alcohol worsened, her mother realized that an intervention was necessary to help her daughter emerge from the depths of addiction and reclaim her life. Assisted by professional interventionist Andrew Galloway, Elann’s mother, Tracy, made a heartfelt plea to her daughter, urging her to make a transformative change in her life. Elann, recognizing the gravity of her situation, agreed to take the necessary steps to reclaim her life. With a newfound determination, she embarked on her path to recovery with a positive mindset. Elann sought help and support from various healthcare centers to address both her substance abuse issues and mental health challenges.
How Did Elann Masters Die?
As 2019 began, Elann showed remarkable progress in her journey to recovery. Her mother expressed her pride and relief, noting, “She almost had a year completely clean, she went to the gym every day, she was like a total 180, a completely different person.” Approximately three weeks into a 28-day treatment program, Elann left the facility without informing anyone and relapsed in January 2019. Her mother, Tracy, was left in a state of confusion and distress as she couldn’t locate her daughter or understand what had transpired. A few months later, Tracy received the devastating news that Elann had suffered a fatal overdose involving opioids and alcohol. Elann passed away in a hotel room on March 5, 2019. In the interview, Tracy added, “It kills me as a parent that she died alone in a hotel room.”
In the wake of her daughter Elann’s tragic passing, Tracy took it upon herself to make a positive impact in her community. Alongside her sister, Kristy Masters, Tracy established a local organization in Campbell River, B.C., Canada, called ‘Masters of Hope.’ This group is dedicated to providing support and help to individuals struggling with addiction or mental health challenges. Masters of Hope is driven by a mission to identify and address gaps in institutional assistance by offering practical help and resources to those in need. Even now, Tracy is determined to make a difference in the lives of others reflects her resilience and committed to honor her daughter’s memory.
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