Gold Rush, a reality television series that first premiered in December 2010, follows various family-run gold mining businesses, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada. The profession is not very well-known to the audience, and hence, when inexperienced miners try to earn as much as possible and face different kinds of unexpected difficulties, the viewers tune in enthusiastically as they get to learn something new every time. Another reason for the show to do well is that the price of gold keeps on increasing every year. Investing in gold and real estate has always been a smart business deal, and the mining crews on the show know that very well.
The show has been running strong for almost a decade now. There have been many special seasons for the show as well, featuring behind-the-scenes footage and actual interviews of the miners and crew. Todd Hoffman, a renowned gold miner, who was a prominent part of the show for 9 seasons, has become a well-known TV figure due to the show.
Gold Rush Filming Locations
Over the last several seasons, the Gold Rush has used different locations for mining, like Alaska, Klondike, Guyana, Oregon, Colorado, etc. While many of these places have proved to be success spots for the miners, some have turned out to be a total waste of time. However, as gold miners, that is part of the deal. You never know for real which place will turn out to be a hidden treasure, and sometimes, even after the right calculations, the miners return empty-handed. Well, let’s take a look at the locations featured in the show.
Alaskan Panhandle, Alaska
The main focus of the mining crew in the earlier seasons of the show was Jim Nail Placer Mine, which is situated on the East bank of Porcupine Creek and is a tributary of Klehini River in the Chilkat Valley. The location was first featured in season 1 when the Hoffmans arrived at the Porcupine Creek. However, the mine was unnamed during that time. Later in season 2, Dakota Fred Hurt purchased the creek and renamed it Jim Nail Placer Mine. The mine was once again featured in season 3 as one of the locations chosen by the Dakota crew.
On the West bank of Porcupine Creek is Big Nugget Mine. The location has been featured twice, once in season 2 and the other time in season 3. Both the times, Parker Schnabel crew used the location for mining.
The Klondlike, Yukon, Canada
The Klondike region is near Dawson City in Yukon, Canada. The Quartz Creek Mine is located outside of Dawson City and is at the confluence with two other creeks named Toronto and Calder Creek. The location has been featured in seasons 2 and 3 when Hoffman’s crew decided to explore the creek for gold.
In season 3, Hoffman and the Turin crew also explored the Indian River Mine. It is located 2 miles away from the Quartz Mine, in the North-West direction. Other mines located near Dawson City are McKinnon Creek Mine, Scribner Creek Mine, and Eureka Creek Mine. All three mines are in the South of Dawson City. McKinnon Mine was featured in seasons 5 and 6 by the Hoffman and Turin crew, the Parker Schnabel crew mined at Scribner Creek in seasons 4, 5, and 6, and Eureka Creek was explored by the Tony Beets crew in seasons 5 and 6.
Guyana is known as the land of many waters and is located in South America. The Hoffmans visit Guyana in Gold Rush: The Jungle and Gold Rush: South America. In Guyana, the team explores the Jungle near Mahdia on the Potaro River. Then, they visit Q.O.D. Claim Maple Creek, Patience Creek Cut, Redemption Creek Cut, and Hope Creek Cut.
Oregon and Colorado
In Oregon, the team visits Baker County, which is 18 miles South-South West of Baker City on the west bench of Pine Creek. They also visit High Bar Mine.
In Colorado, the team mainly focuses on two locations: 1. Fairplay, Park County, 2 miles NW of Fairplay, south of Middle Fork of South Platte River, and 2. Katuska Pit, 1215 Platte Drive, also in Fairplay.
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