Directed by Pablo Larrain, ‘Lisey’s Story’ is a dark and atmospheric horror drama miniseries of taut tension and hair-raising thrill. It is based on the titular bestseller novel by Stephen King, who also serves as the writer. The present-day story follows the eponymous character, Lisey Landon, the widowed wife of a famous novelist, as she is being stalked by a man who seeks to procure the rare and unpublished documents of her late husband. As the narrative probes into the past, we get insight into the life of the novelist through the contemplative lens of Lisey.
The Apple TV original drama is driven by performances from Hollywood A-listers such as Julianne Moore, Clive Owen, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Dane DeHaan in the central roles. The psychological tale of intrigue is built block by block, guided by a gritty directorial lens and a brooding score. Most of the story takes place in a small-town setting in Maine, as the wife of the late novelist lives in a countryside villa. If you are wondering about the locations visited by the filming crew, let us take you to the destinations.
Lisey’s Story Filming Locations
‘Lisey’s Story’ was filmed in its entirety in the US, especially in two locations – New York and New Jersey. Filming commenced in October 2019 and was wrapped up by September 2020, although filming was halted for a while in the middle due to the onset of the pandemic. The post-production dubbing was carried out in Kessler Media Productions Limited, a recording studio in Katonah in New York. Let us now take you to the specific filming locations where the series was filmed!
Somerset County, New Jersey
The crew began filming on location in the historical Franklin Township, a community located in the Raritan Valley region in the Somerset County of New Jersey. The township itself has a significant historical position in the state due to its association with the history of the Revolutionary War. In fact, the state of New Jersey was reportedly affected by the war more than any other state. The crew filmed at the landmark location of Van Liew-Suydam House, a country villa at 280 South Middlebush Road and Blackwells Mills Road in the region of Somerset.
Located on a scenic hilltop, the beautiful property served as the residence of the protagonist’s sister in the series. Other than its historical importance, the 18th-century farmhouse flaunts a picturesque view of the vast countryside. Once privately owned, the property now belongs to the Franklin Township and is maintained by the Meadows Foundation.
Westchester County, New York
A major portion of the series is filmed in the small village of Tuckahoe, located in the Hudson Valley in the Westchester County of New York State. The crew visited several locations in and around the village, including the Tuckahoe Village Hall, located at 65 Main Street, and the Tuckahoe Public Library, situated at 71 Columbus Avenue in the village.
Filming was also carried out in Tuckahoe Mayor’s Office, located at 65 Main Street #270, at a rock’s distance from the Village Hall. According to a source, Stephen King himself visited the set during shooting and spent some quality time in the neighborhood. Croton Gorge Park in the town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, also served as one of the filming locations for the miniseries.
Brooklyn, New York
Additionally, some sequences were filmed on a stage at Brooklyn Steiner Studios, a production studio located at 15 Washington Avenue in the Brooklyn district of New York City. Outside of Hollywood, Steiner Studios is the largest and the most advanced film and television production facility in the US. Moreover, a beach wedding scene was recorded somewhere in the same state.
Read More: Best Movies and Shows Based On Stephen King Novels
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