Created and written by Brad Ingelsby, ‘Mare of Easttown’ is a crime drama series that follows a small-town detective as she investigates a local murder while also trying to save her suburban life from falling apart. Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, known for her intense drama roles, portrays the titular character. As she wrestles with the mysterious murder and the factors that threaten to send her life spinning out of control, the bleak small-town landscape adds to the feeling of despair. If you are wondering where this series got its signature backdrop, we have got your back. Here are all the locations where ‘Mare of Easttown’ was shot!
Mare of Easttown Filming Locations
‘Mare of Easttown’ was filmed on location in multiple spots around Pennsylvania. For the sake of authenticity, the mini-series selected small towns in the southeastern region of the state for filming. The suburban Pennsylvania backdrops for the series were filmed mainly in Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. Principal photography began in late October 2019 and continued till March 2020, when it was interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Filming was reportedly, scheduled to resume in September 2020. Let’s take a closer look at the filming locations!
Chester County, Pennsylvania
A major portion of filming was done in Chester County, Pennsylvania. The production team was spotted in multiple locations in the county, including in Easttown Township, where the series is based. Incidentally, show creator Brad Ingelsby hails from Chester County as well. Bridge Street, one of the major streets in Phoenixville borough in Chester County, was partially closed off for filming.
The occupation of a busy street by the production crew made the generally clandestine filming of the series public, as reported by a news outlet covering the area. Film crews for the HBO mini-series were also spotted in the parking lot of an abandoned KMart in Thorndale, as well as in the borough of Downingtown, both in Chester County. A few scenes were also filmed at the Ash Park and Carver Court neighborhoods of Coatesville.
Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Delaware County is also widely featured in the series, where location filming took place in multiple spots. Lead actors Kate Winslet and Evan Peters were spotted in Boothwyn at Don’s Deli, a local eatery. Remarking on the authenticity of the script, Greater Philadelphia Film Office Executive Director Sharon Pinkenson said, “He (Brad Ingelsby) absolutely wrote this show for Delaware County and it aims to be as authentic as possible. You will hear the accents if you were reading the script.”
Other Locations in Pennsylvania
The city of Philadelphia is featured multiple times in the series. Audiences with knowledge of the city will be able to recognize the city’s Girard College, located at 2101 S College Avenue, as well as Wissahickon Valley Park and Pastorius Park near Chestnut Hill located at 8177 Roanoke Street.
Additional filming also took place in the village of Mont Clare, located right across from Phoenixville in Chester County, on the banks of the Schuylkill River. The village is located in Montgomery County. Filming around these areas gives ‘Mare of Easttown’ its signature look of sleepy suburban towns, where the series’ mysterious murder takes place.
Read More: Is Mare of Easttown Based on a True Story?
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