Where is Michelle Knight’s Son Today?

ABC’s ’20/20’ features the survivors from the Ariel Castro Kidnappings. The three of them abducted, abused, and raped over several years have endured more than a life’s worth of sufferings, but despite that, they have overgrown these challenges to make the best out of their lives.  Michelle Knight, the first person to be kidnapped by Castro, has been vocal about her struggles after her capture. However, she did not have it easy even before her kidnapping. Having been a runaway, and a young single mother to her son, her narrative extends beyond her.

Who is Michelle Knight’s Son?

Michelle Knight’s son, Joey was born to her when she was just 18 years old. After having run away from home, she sought shelter in the streets. She said, “I didn’t really know where my next meal was going to come from or what was gonna happen next. I lived in a garbage can. I took a blanket from somebody’s back porch. Cuddled up with it. … There was a bridge, where I can hear cars going past. The vibrations just, you know, helped me be calm.”

Later, she was found and reported to her father, who put her back in school. She then began dating a boy, who soon got her pregnant. In the segment with ’20/20’ Knight talks about how, despite her struggles, she wanted to be a better mom for her son. She said, “I wanted to be the best mom. I wanted to be better than … my mom. It was difficult because I didn’t have very much money.” This also became the beginning of another kind of struggle, for Knight.

In 2002, her mother’s boyfriend, who was drunk at the time, tried to pick up Joey by the leg and fractured his knee. After the incident, Social Services swooped in and put Joey into foster care. At the time, Knight was on the lookout for jobs to sustain both her and her son. In any case, soon before her abduction, she was on her way to a case management meeting regarding her son’s custody. Ariel Castro offered to help her with the direction, as she was a bit lost and ended up kidnapping her. Joey, was just two years old when Knight went missing. After her escape and rehabilitation, based on reports, Knight tried to reach out to her son. In an interview, she said, “ If it wasn’t for my son being out there and hoping to come home to him I don’t know what I would have done.”

Joey’s Adoptive Family

Talking about Joey’s adoptive family, Knight said, “I’m glad they have him, and he’s doing really well, and I’m very proud of him for all of the accomplishments that he has achieved.” That said, according to Knight, they are not willing to disclose details about her to Joey, or let her meet him. They do send her pictures of Joey and keep her informed about his well-being, but it does not go beyond that. Regardless, Knight hopes that she’ll be able to see him someday. She said, “I said, you know what? I’m going to let him be and when he’s ready to come see me, I’ll be willing and waiting with open arms.”

Read More: How Did Ariel Castro Die?