Created by Kim Sok-yun, Lee Nam-kyu, Oh Bo-hyun, and Kim Da-hee, Netflix’s ‘Behind Your Touch’ is a South Korean crime comedy-drama series that centers upon a young woman named Bong Ye-bun, who does some nitty-gritty work like delivering calves and vaccinating halibuts to make ends meet. Meanwhile, she dreams of becoming a successful veterinarian in her peaceful town. Soon, her life turns upside down when she gains psychometric powers during one of her visits to a cow farm.
The newly psychic vet then comes across a hot-blooded detective named Moon Jang-yeol who mistakes her for a pervert and tries to tackle her. When the two get to know each other, the detective relies on the vet and her psychic powers to get to the bottom of a number of small-town cases, from petty crimes to serial murders. As Jang-yeol and Ye-bun work together, they get closer to one another and eventually, fall in love. However, their extraordinary skills are put to the test when they come across a chilling serial killer mystery.
Featuring hilarious onscreen performances from a group of talented Korean actors, including Han Ji-min, Lee Min-ki, Suho, Anzu Lawson, No-shik Park, and Kim Hee-won, the fantasy series unfolds in the fictional and peaceful town of Mujin. Acting as a character in the show, Mujin’s peaceful facade hides the darkness of crimes that take place on the regular. If you wish to know where exactly is ‘Behind Your Touch’ filmed, we got you covered!
Behind Your Touch Filming Locations
‘Behind Your Touch’ is filmed in its entirety in South Korea, especially in South Chungcheong Province. As per reports, principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the rom-com series commenced in September 2022 and wrapped up in five months, in February 2023.
Given the fact that it is set in a fictional South Korean town, it is only reasonable that the shooting also takes place in South Korea itself. Upon wrapping up the production for season 1, the cast and crew members reportedly broke into tears. So, without further ado, let us walk you through all the specific locations that make an appearance in the Netflix show!
South Chungcheong Province, South Korea
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Behind Your Touch’ are lensed across South Chungcheong Province aka Chungnam, which is a South Korean province in the Hoseo region. From the looks of it, the production team supposedly travels to numerous neighborhoods and streets in the province to shoot different scenes against suitable backdrops. As far as some of the key interior scenes are concerned, they are seemingly taped in one of the film studios situated within South Chungcheong Province.
Since many portions of the series are recorded outdoors, it is highly likely that many of you might be able to spot some popular local attractions in the backdrop, such as the Independence Hall of Korea, Gagwonsa Buddhist Temple, Samgeori Park, Taejosan Park, and Arario Gallery. Besides ‘Behind Your Touch,’ the locales of South Chungcheong Province have also been featured in ‘Mr. Sunshine’ and ‘Carter.’
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