Created by Carlos Saldanha, Netflix’s ‘Invisible City’ is a Brazilian fantasy crime drama series that follows an environmental police officer named Eric who is determined to uncover the truth surrounding his wife’s tragic death. Upon the mysterious appearance of a dead pink river dolphin on the shores, he tries to connect it with his wife’s death. Along the way, Eric comes across various mythological creatures from Brazilian folklore living among humans.
Eric then realizes that these mythical entities hold the answers to his past as he finds himself in a battle between the two worlds. Featuring brilliant onscreen performances from Marco Pigossi, Manu Dieguez, Alessandra Negrini, and Jéssica Córes, most of the show unfolds in Rio de Janeiro and the lush green forests where the mythical creatures tend to hide and stay out of sight. Thus, the blend of fantastical visuals with the backdrop of the everyday world will likely spark some questions regarding its filming sites. In that case, you might be interested in what we have to share about the same!
Invisible City Filming Locations
‘Invisible City’ is filmed entirely in Brazil, mainly in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Pará. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the fantasy show seemingly commenced in September 2019 and wrapped up in late October of the same year. As for the sophomore round’s shooting, it reportedly began in April 2022 and seemingly concluded in early June of the same year. Now, let’s not waste any time and dive right into all the specific locations where Eric deals with the mythical creatures in the Netflix series!
São Paulo, Brazil
To lens many scenes for ‘Invisible City,’ especially the forest scenes, the production team sets up camp in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Specifically, the municipality of Ubatuba on the state’s southeast coast serves as one of the primary production locations for the series, with the filming unit making the most of the lush green forests.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Since much of the story is based in Rio de Janeiro, it makes sense why the cast and crew choose to tape a massive chunk of ‘Invisible City’ on location. With the cityscape of Rio de Janeiro regularly featuring throughout the show, you can also spot the Sugarloaf Mountain peak in the backdrop of various scenes. Due to its resemblance to the typical shape of concentrated refined loaf sugar, the peak is named after that.
Pará, Brazil
To shoot the sophomore season, the ‘Invisible City’ production team moved to the Brazilian state of Pará, in the northern part of the country. In particular, the city of Belém, aka Belém of Pará, served as a prominent filming site for the show’s second installment. Due to the city’s vast number of trees, lush green areas, and modern cityscape, Belém of Pará makes for a suitable location for a series like ‘Invisible City.’
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