Created by Oh Jin-seok and Moon Ji-young, Netflix’s ‘Queenmaker’ (originally titled ‘Kwinmeikeo’) is a South Korean political drama series that follows two strong women — Hwang Do-hee and Oh Seung-sook — who join forces to achieve something bigger than themselves. While the former is a skilled career woman who handled the strategic planning office of a conglomerate, Oh Seung-sook works as a human rights lawyer who is also known as “the rhino of justice” and has little to no interest in authority.
Soon, after a tragic accident, Hwang Do-hee jumps into politics to take down her former employer and works with Oh Seung-sook to make her the next mayor. Starring Kim Hee-ae, Moon So-ri, Ryu Soo-young, Seo Yi-sook, Ok Ja-yeon, and Yoon Ji-hye, the K-drama unfolds in Seoul as the nail-biting battle for the position of mayor keeps the viewers invested through each episode. Given the rallies and election speeches against different backdrops, it is natural for you to wonder where ‘Queenmaker’ is filmed. In that case, allow us to fill you in on all the necessary details about the same!
Queenmaker Filming Locations
‘Queenmaker’ is filmed in South Korea, especially in and around Seoul. According to reports, principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the political series commenced in December 2021 and wrapped up in late June 2022. Now, without further ado, let us take you through all the places where the intense and political electoral battles in the Netflix series occur!
Seoul, South Korea
Since most of the show is based in Seoul, the production team of ‘Queenmaker’ sets up camp on location and utilizes the capital’s locales for shooting the series, making the narrative all the more authentic and providing the viewers with an immersive experience. While most of the exterior scenes for the political show are lensed against the backdrop of different sites across Seoul, some key interior portions are possibly taped in a sound stage of one of the film studios in and around the metropolis.
As portrayed in ‘Queenmaker,’ Seoul is headed by a mayor and three vice mayors. Viewers will likely spot some historical and modern landmarks in the different exterior shots, including the rallies and campaigns of various candidates. They include Changdeok Palace, Hwaseong Fortress, Jongmyo Shrine, the 63 Building, the Lotte World Tower, the N Seoul Tower, Lotte World, and the Trade Tower.
The capital is also home to several parks and gardens, including Namsan Park, Seoul Olympic Park, Tapgol Park, and the modern Seoullo 7017 Skypark, some of which might feature in the Netflix show. Apart from ‘Queenmaker,’ the locales of Seoul have been featured in many movies and TV shows over the years. It has hosted the production of ‘Parasite,’ ‘The Housemaid,’ ‘Lady Vengeance,’ ‘Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance,’ ‘Confession of Murder,’ and ‘The Spy Gone North.’
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