Netflix’s ‘Rough Diamonds,’ originally titled ‘Diamonds,’ is a Belgian crime drama series that centers on an ultra-orthodox family in Antwerp. Noah Wolfson returns to the city after he betrays his kin. His brother’s guidance puts their family business at risk, as he was in contact with dubious people to trade diamonds. Noah steps in and demands another chance to restore the family’s honor, but they are doubtful after his previous actions.
Created by Rotem Shamir and Yuval Yefet, the show depicts family dynamics, the underworld, and business in a realistic light with their choice of dark and gritty backdrops. If you are curious to know more about the filming locations of this thrilling show, we’ve got you covered.
Rough Diamonds Filming Locations
As per reports, ‘Rough Diamonds’ is filmed in Belgium, specifically in Antwerp. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the nail-biting show commenced around December 2021, and the team seemingly wrapped up the project on March 3, 2022, as they shot over a span of 80 days. The series is originally set in Belgium, a country known for its waffles, chocolate, and beer. It has a mix of medieval architecture and modern infrastructure, which is the perfect backdrop for the riveting Belgian series. So, without much ado, let us glimpse through all the locations that can be spotted on screen.
Antwerp, Belgium
The team set camp across different locations in Antwerp for almost three months to get the perfect ariel shots, fitting backgrounds, and aesthetic scenes. The second-largest city in Belgium has become a popular destination amongst creators. Its central location in Europe makes it easy to connect with international actors and crew members. Moreover, the tax incentives, highly skilled workforce, and top-notch production facilities make Antwerp an ideal shooting location.
The main filming site of the series is reportedly the Diamond District, also known as Diamond Quarter and Square Mile, an area that stretches around one square mile in Antwerp. Multiple key portions are taped in and around famous landmarks across the European city. For example, the Antwerpen-Centraal, which is a railway station that appears in the series, is situated at Koningin Astridplein 27. The architecture utilizes Delacenserie’s design which gives it a rich and stunning look.
The Provincial Government Building of Antwerp is another compact, sustainable, and contemporary establishment which is seemingly a filming location in ‘Rough Diamonds.’ Additionally, the Bio Station Store at bus 1130, Pelikaanstraat 3, is another place that is supposedly a backdrop in a few segments. It is a self-service store where one can find almost all grocery items that are organically produced. Some renowned filming sites in Antwerp are the MAS Museum, Cathedral of Our Lady, Grote Markt, and Het Steen. Other projects with similar themes recorded in Antwerp are ‘Hidden Assets’ and ‘Baptiste.’
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