ABC’s documentary “Shark Attack: The Paige Winter Story ” narrates the story of a teenage girl who has survived a shark attack against all odds. Paige Winter’s life for the past one year has been chronicled in this event special program by Robin Roberts where the hostess interviews the extraordinarily brave girl who did not give up on life even in the face of excruciating pain and disabilities. She is seen in good spirits even while undergoing physical therapy and accepting her new “normal”. But how normal can it be to perform the simplest of tasks with immense difficulty? With the help of her father’s unwavering encouragement and support, she handles it all with a smile on her face. The details of her story are gory but markedly inspiring and the reader/viewer is bound to feel connected to her after witnessing it!
Who Is Paige Winter?
A Craven County native, Paige Winter is now a senior year high schooler at New Bern High School. On the outside, she lives an ordinary life as the teaser announces her as a homecoming queen candidate. But within a matter of seconds, one can spot the distinct situation she is in her prosthetic leg and hand.
June 2, 2019, started as an uneventful day in North Carolina when Paige went with her family and friends at Fort Macon State Park. She was swimming in the waters of Atlantic Beach at the level that was hardly waist-deep but all of a sudden she got pulled underwater. At first, she thought that someone was playing a prank on her but only seconds later, the terrifying realization dawned upon her. The 17-year-old could feel a jaw gripped firmly around her leg and even experienced the sensation of herself being eaten by a set of sharp teeth that is a shark!
After struggling to get free of its hold to the point of exhaustion, Paige gave up but her father, Charlie, came to her rescue. His training as a paramedic fire-fighter aided his daughter’s deliverance. He detected Paige’s location by the “pink” water as she had already lost a lot of blood. Instead of losing his calm, he carried on with immense robustness. After repeatedly kicking the aggressive big fish, he tried to pull his girl up but the shark came right out with her leg still clenched between its deadly teeth. Charlie put in a great deal of effort to pull her out of its tough grip and bring her to the shore. The family immediately rushed to the nearest hospital ‘Vidant Health’ where her amputated left leg and mangled hands were promptly treated.
Shockingly, Paige never lost consciousness and on the way to the medical center, pleaded her dad to not be angry at the shark. She seemed so calm and composed that he thought she would only be with them for a few more minutes. With God’s grace, she safely came out of surgery and right away asked Charlie the most important question-her Snapchat! That is how she showed her family that she was feeling better and normal. Paige continues to inspire the people around her by her positive attitude and cheerful demeanor.
Where Is Paige Winter Today?
After months of medical procedures, plastic surgeries, and physical therapies, Paige Winter has returned to the comfort of her home. She recently walked across the stage in her new prosthetic leg, which can even aid her to run, to receive her high school diploma. To gear up for the next chapter of her life, Paige has been weighing her options for post-graduation. Ironically, she is also considering Marine Biology and plans to move out to pursue it. Her love life seems on a high note as she regularly posts pictures of her boyfriend, Cameron, and her Instagram bio shows a ‘ring’ along with his name. Should we take a hint already? She feels enlightened after surviving the life-threatening shark attack and does not look at it as a tragedy but a moment that taught her the greatest lesson: stay tough and live on!
Read More: Where Is Paige Winter’s Father Now?
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