‘The Curse of Oak Island’ is a reality series on the History Channel that follows brothers Rick and Marty Lagina in their efforts to uncover the speculated treasure or historical artifacts on Oak Island. The show discusses the island’s history, previous attempts to investigate the site, recent discoveries, and the various theories that surround it.
It premiered on January 5, 2014, and has amassed a solid fan following. Since its inception, Robert Bruce Clotworthy has served as the narrator of the series. Oak Island has been the subject of intrigue for more than 220 years, and naturally, you must want to know where the series is filmed. We’ve got you covered!
The Curse of Oak Island Filming Locations
Numerous treasure hunts have taken place on the mystery-laden island, but the team also travels to different countries to find answers. Here are the locations where the series has been filmed.
Nova Scotia
Located off the coast of Nova Scotia, Oak Island is one of 360 islands in Mahone Bay that spans over 140 acres of forested land. The island, which is privately owned, only has about a handful of full-time residents and is the primary location where most of the filming for the series takes place. Samuel Ball’s (1765-1846) property in Lunenburg County is one of the sites where the team has been filming since they discovered an underground tunnel.
For season 8, the film crew arrived in the second week of July and were asked to self-isolate before going to Oak Island, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The team set up tents for excavation around the swamp, 10X, and The Money Pit. Mug & Anchor Pub features in the series where the Lagina brothers plan their next moves. The island sees a constant stream of inquisitive tourists who want a piece of the action.
Spinoff industries have sprung up on the island that conducts walking tours and boat rides. Tourists often stay at the Oak Island Inn or eat at the Mug & Anchor pub to soak in the experience highlighted in ‘The Curse of Oak Island.’ Various sites that feature in the series are Smith’s Cove, Mercy Point, and Money Pit, which is believed to be the original site of the treasure. Scenes have also been filmed at various locations in Nova Scotia, such as Overton, Dartmouth, Halifax, Lunenburg, Peggy’s Cove, Sydney, Chester, Wolfville, and New Ross.
In season 2, Marty and Alex Lagina travel to France to meet Kathleen McGowan, who takes them to Château de Montségur, Rennes-le-Château, and Alet-les-Bains. In season 5, the team returns to France to meet Sonia Matossian at the Château de La Rochefoucauld and Domme.
It is believed that the treasure was moved to Scotland from France. In season 2, the team filmed at Saltcoats, Kilwinning Abbey, and Rosslyn Chapel to follow up on the information.
Read More: Best Hidden Treasure Movies on Netflix
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