Directed by Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein based on a script by Måns Mårlind, ‘The Defeated’ (Alternative title: ‘Shadowplay’) is a historical show of immense political intrigue. Set in the aftermath of World War II, the story follows New York policeman Max McLaughlin, who arrives in a decimated Berlin in the summer of 1946 to mitigate the crisis. He forms a police force to deal with the devastating aftermath of the war. Upon its release, the show was received well by fans and critics alike.
It is a fact that creating plausible historical pieces is always challenging. The directors have to maintain the production value and steer clear of period anachronisms while staying true to the historical aspects of the drama. In this case, the director and his crew went to great lengths to make the story believable. Naturally, many may be curious about the locations where ‘The Defeated’ was filmed! If that is indeed the case, let us guide you to the destinations.
The Defeated Filming Locations
‘The Defeated’ was filmed in its entirety in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague. Filming for the first batch of episodes of the show began on April 30, 2019, and was wrapped up by September 8 of the same year. Over the decades, several productions have moved to the booming production industry of the Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic proves to be quite a fertile ground for filming because of its overall low production costs, spectacular landscapes that can be passed off as other European locations, skilled labor and technicians, and support from the government. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the show is filmed!
Prague, the Czech Republic
The majority of the show is filmed in and around the historic city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. During their production schedule, the crew filmed extensively in the city, capturing some iconic locations in the process. Some scenes were also filmed in the village of Slapy in the Prague-West District of the country’s Central Bohemian Region. The architecture of the city holds semblance to many European cities. Thus, directors from all over the world flock to the city to commence production.
Karlovy Vary, the Czech Republic
Not confining themselves to the capital city, the crew ventured out to film several scenes around the country. The production team visited Karlovy Vary, a spa town in the western part of the Bohemia region, to film some important scenes. The area is located 81 miles west of Prague. Due to the several thermal springs that the region showcases, the town hosts many tourists every year.
Other Locations in the Czech Republic
Filming was also carried out in Ploskovice, a sparsely populated village in the Litoměřice District. The crew visited another township called Doksy, in the Liberec Region, to capture some sequences.
Additionally, production took a tour of the cities of Kladno and Mladá Boleslav, located in the Central Bohemian District in the region. Some sequences were filmed in the Ústí nad Labem Region, specifically around Lenešice, a village and municipality in Louny District and the city of Ústí nad Labem, the capital of its eponymous region.
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