‘The Republic of Sarah’ is a drama series that follows the titular high school teacher as she finds herself as the unlikely leader of a movement faced with the task of building a country. After a rare mineral being found in their town threatens to displace her friends and community, Sarah and her allies win an unlikely case, effectively making the town and its residents masters of their destiny. The outrageous situation that the characters on the show find themselves in is contrasted by the middle-class small town where it is based. Are you curious about where ‘The Republic of Sarah’ is filmed? We’ve got you covered.
The Republic of Sarah Filming Locations
‘The Republic of Sarah’ is set in a small town in New Hampshire. However, the show is, in fact, filmed in Quebec. The fact that the show’s outrageous premise is effectively contrasted by its generic small-town backdrop gave the showrunners a degree of freedom in choosing where to film the show. Production started at the beginning of 2020 but was interrupted in March on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Filming was then restarted in October 2020 with all health and safety precautions. Let’s take a look at the specific filming locations of the show.
Montreal, Québec
‘The Republic of Sarah’ is set in the town of Greylock, New Hampshire, but is filmed largely on location in and around the city of Montreal in the Montreal region of Quebec. Lachine, a waterfront neighborhood on the island of Montreal, is used for filming the scenes featuring the grocery store and shots of the town’s residents assembling at the waterfront park.
The iconic Manoir D’Youville hotel, located at 498 Boulevard D’Youville in the suburb of Châteauguay is also used by the production crew for the filming of the series. The off-island suburb, which sits on the Chateauguay River and the Saint-Louis lake, is known for its spectacular waterfront views.
Montérégie, Québec
A large portion of the on-location filming is also undertaken in the neighboring region of Montérégie in southwestern Québec. The Pointe-Valaine Cultural Center is used for filming scenes that feature cops and the armed forces. The center is located at 85 Rue d’Oxford in the town of Otterburn Park, 40 km east of Montreal.
Much of the show’s picturesque aesthetic, depicted through the quaint waterside town of Greylock that gets transformed into a country, is drawn from Knowlton. The village is one of 7 lakeside villages that make up the town of Brome Lake. The Anglican and St. Edward’s cemeteries, Pettes Memorial Library, Lakeside Street, and St. Paul’s Church, are also used as filming sites for several scenes on the show.
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