‘1000-lb Best Friends’ is a wonderful TV show that offers a window into the lives of four close friends, Meghan Crumpler, Tina Arnold, Ashely Sutton, and Vannessa Cross, who are battling morbid obesity. While the friends use humor, hard work, and commitment to try and lead healthy lives, they also act as each other’s support pillars through this challenging journey. The cameras follow the ladies as they look forward to a better life by helping each other through tough diets and changing lifestyles. Let’s take a closer look at Vannessa Cross’ life and find out where she is at present, shall we?
Who Is Vannessa Cross?
Vannessa Cross and Meghan Crumpler have been close friends for quite a long time. Interestingly, it was the latter who cajoled Vannessa to go in for a weight loss procedure. When Vannessa first approached Dr. Proctor, she weighed about 440 pounds. Subsequently, she was asked to shed a few pounds in order to be eligible for the weight-loss operation. Although Vannessa started her journey with a lot of expectation and determination, she soon began slacking behind on the physical exercise aspect.
On the other hand, Vannessa’s financial condition was also not up to the mark; hence, she was forced to resort to foods that were not friendly to her healthy diet. Canned food has an incredible amount of salt, which is bad for the diet. Therefore, Vannessa took to washing the sodium out of the vegetables before eating them. Touched by her determination, her advisors on the show also got her sodium-free seasonings making her life a little easier.
Once people around Vannessa rallied for her cause, she began picking up the pace and even exercised daily. Meghan also tried to help her friend achieve her goal, but ultimately Vannessa fell short and was able to shed only a few pounds before her second clinic visit.
Where Is Vannessa Cross Now?
Although Vannessa Cross wasn’t greenlighted for the weight-loss operation immediately, she never gave up hope. Instead, she stuck to the routine given by Dr. Proctor and made sure to follow it to the tee. However, fate intervened once again as the reality star began facing quite a few health problems, including skin cancer of her feminine parts, which seemed to put a halt to her weight loss plans.
However, the halt was only temporary as Vannessa is now back on track with her weight loss journey. She is eating healthy and even living a much better life than before. Vannessa currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, and is a loving mother to her son, Jacob. She is also a very family-oriented person, and it is lovely to know that her friendship with Meghan still lives on. Thus, with Vannessa looking forward to a better future, we wish her the very best in her journey to a better tomorrow.
Read More: Where Is Ashely Sutton From 1000-lb Best Friends Now?
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