With RC Delos Reyes at the helm, Netflix’s ‘A Journey’ is a Filipino drama movie that revolves around three childhood and lifelong friends, out of which Kaye Abad’s character receives the news that her cancer has made its way back into her life. Instead of undergoing the necessary treatment for the illness, she insists that she wants to check off some things on her bucket list with her husband and best friend, which includes going on a road trip across Tasmania.
As the trio of friends embark on the adventurous journey, they find out some harsh truths about one another. The narrative is brought to life through the brilliant performances of talented Filipino actors, including Paolo Contis, Patrick Garcia, Kaye Abad, and Jimmy Santos. Exploring the themes of friendship, love, and loss, the film also pays attention to the visual side of things as there are many beautiful spots in the backdrop that keep the viewers intrigued and glued to the screen.
A Journey Shooting Locations
‘A Journey’ was shot in the Philippines and Australia, with the cast and crew specifically setting up camp in Manila, Tasmania, and Melbourne. Beginning in May 2023, the principal photography for the drama film continued for about three months, before seemingly wrapping up in August of the same year.
Manila, Philippines
For the first leg of the production, the filming unit of ‘A Journey’ utilized the locales of the capital of the Philippines — Manila AKA the City of Manila, which lies on the eastern shore of Manila Bay on the island of Luzon. Several important scenes, especially the exteriors, were recorded in and around the city’s vast skyline.
Tasmania, Australia
Next, the production team of ‘A Journey’ traveled to the Australian island state of Tasmania, where they recorded multiple pivotal sequences, involving the three lead characters. The cast and crew members of the drama movie were spotted taping a few key portions in and around the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park situated in the Central Highlands area of the island. Consisting of many walking trails, the national park is where hikes for the popular Overland Track begin.
Located between Burnie and Ulverstone, there is a town called Penguin that served as yet another filming site on the island of Tasmania. From the looks of it, the filming unit spent a significant amount of time in and around the small town while lensing crucial scenes. Overall, they took many aerial and other outdoor shots while the trio of friends traversed through the Tasmanian terrains in their vehicle.
Melbourne, Australia
Reports suggest that the director of ‘A Journey’ and the rest of his team set up camp in and around Melbourne, the capital of the Australian state of Victoria. Using the modern architecture and vast landscape of the city as the backdrop, the production team recorded various prominent scenes for the film.
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