‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ is a compelling and shocking documentary series that chronicles author and journalist Jillian Lauren’s conversations with Samuel Little, “America’s most prolific serial killer,” who is infamous for murdering 93 women (possibly even more). The docuseries is directed by Joe Berlinger, who is well-known for ‘Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills’ and ‘Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes.’ Curious to know more about this macabre 5-part documentary series and where you can stream it? Here is everything that we know.
What is Confronting a Serial Killer About?
The true-crime genre has gained another hard-hitting and gut-wrenching documentary about a ruthless killer who murdered a shocking number of women and managed to evade justice for roughly three decades. In ‘Confronting a Serial Killer,’ Jillian Lauren takes us through her time with notorious killer Sam Little, who targeted marginalized communities, particularly Black women belonging to low-income backgrounds, and made them victims of his horrific crimes.
In 2018, Jillian reached out to Sam Little (while he was in jail) to interview him for her book. The docuseries includes exclusive audio footage of Jillian’s interactions with him, during which he confessed his crimes to her.
Is Confronting a Serial Killer on Netflix?
‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ is currently not available to stream on Netflix. Alternatively, you can watch ‘Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes‘ and ‘The Confession Killer,’ along with many other such true-crime documentaries.
Is Confronting a Serial Killer on Hulu?
‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ is available on Hulu. Subscribers can pay a monthly fee and stream the show here.
Is Confronting a Serial Killer on Amazon Prime?
While ‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ is not part of the subscription streaming content that comes free with Prime membership, you can still watch the show on the platform if you have Starz added to your basic Amazon Prime package. You can stream the Starz docuseries here.
Where to Watch Confronting a Serial Killer Online?
You can watch ‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ on the official website of Starz. The docuseries is an exclusive offering by Starz and is only available here, apart from Hulu and Amazon Prime.
How to Stream Confronting a Serial Killer For Free?
If you want to watch ‘Confronting a Serial Killer’ free of cost, you can do so by adding Starz to your Amazon Prime pack and utilizing the free 7-day trial offered by the platform. However, we do expect our readers to always pay for the content they consume.