‘The Curse of Oak Island‘ is a reality television series that revolves around a team of treasure hunters who travel off the south shore of Nova Scotia to reach the notorious Oak Island in order to embark on an epic journey that could potentially change their lives and unravel the centuries-old mysteries of the island. But since Oak Island had managed to keep its secrets safe for a long-time and many have perished looking for answers, do these explorers stand a chance? In case the series arouses your interest, and you wish to know more about its plot or other streaming details, you have come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know.
What is The Curse of Oak Island About?
Rick and Marty Lagina always had one big childhood dream that they want to fulfill – to let go of all other professional and material pursuits and embark on an adventurous journey to look for the fabled treasure on the mysterious Oak Island. So, instead of waiting for the right time, the brothers ultimately decide to take up the seemingly impossible challenge. Along with historical experts, local explorers, and their families, they begin to learn more about the mythology of the mysterious island.
Oak island is well-known for its links to pirates, buried treasures, the mythological curse of death, and much more. Over the centuries, numerous explorers have tried to unravel the mysteries of the island, but everyone failed, and some even ended up losing their lives. As the two brothers dive into their daring adventures to explore the unknown, they face the same hurdles but their drive to fulfill their childhood dream always keeps them motivated. But will the Lagina brothers find the elusive treasure? To find out, you must watch ‘The Curse of Oak Island’ and here’s all the streaming information that you need.
Is The Curse of Oak Island on Netflix?
‘The Curse of Oak Island’ is not part of Netflix’s otherwise impressive catalog of shows and movies. Viewers looking for similar shows can alternatively watch ‘The Lost Pirate Kingdom‘ and ‘Outer Banks.’
Is The Curse of Oak Island on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers will have to look for other alternatives as ‘The Curse of Oak Island’ is not available on the platform. Subscribers can instead watch ‘Expedition Unknown,‘ which follows Josh Gates on his numerous global adventures as he explores one unsolved mystery after another.
Is The Curse of Oak Island on Amazon Prime?
‘The Curse of Oak Island’ is available on Amazon Prime but as video-on-demand. You can head here to purchase the reality television series. Prime subscribers can alternatively watch ‘Chasing The Gold Rush‘ and ‘The Shadow of Gold.‘
Where to Watch The Curse of Oak Island Online?
You can watch ‘The Curse of Oak Island’ on the A&E network’s official website. The reality series is also available on VOD platforms like Vudu, Google Play, Microsoft Store, iTunes, and YouTube. It can also be streamed on platforms like Philo, FuboTV, SlingTV, AppleTV, Spectrum, DirecTV, Xfinity, and Peacock.
How to Stream The Curse of Oak Island for Free?
SlingTV offers a 3-day trial, and FuboTV comes with a 7-day free trial for first-time subscribers. So, you can watch the series on these platforms for free. However, we encourage our viewers to pay for the content they consume online.
Read More: Is The Curse of Oak Island Real?