Directed and produced by Alex Gibney, Ophelia Harutyunya, and Suzanne Hillingers during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, ‘Totally Under Control’ is a documentary that chronicles the Trump administration’s failed response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The film’s title comes from one of Donald Trump’s favorite cavalier responses when asked about the pandemic, that things are “totally under control”. The documentary ‘Totally Under Control’ is a two-hour-long uncovering of the US government’s underwhelming concern and action with regards to the coronavirus pandemic, and the damage it caused. The film follows the timeline from the earliest reports of COVID-19, calling out each of the US government’s disastrous decisions and the President’s frustratingly casual stance that COVID-19 is little more than common flu. The documentary ends with informing the viewers that the very next day after the film was completed, President Trump announced that he was COVID-positive. Curious to know where you can stream ‘Totally Under Control’? We’ve got all the information for you.
What is Totally Under Control About?
‘Totally Under Control’ is a documentary that lays out one lackluster response after another by the Trump administration in its dealing with the global pandemic that is the Coronavirus. The film brings viewers details from industry experts, healthcare professionals, and the very people involved in the government’s botched handling of the crisis. One especially infuriating segment tells of Jared Kushner’s incompetent setup of a team to procure safety equipment for the hospital workers on the government’s behalf. The team he hires consists of unpaid interns with zero experience and absolutely no knowledge of how to go about acquiring the masks and gloves for the hospital workers. One of the members of that team of interns broke his non-disclosure agreement to speak to the makers of ‘Totally Under Control’. Another segment shows how Governors of several states were allegedly required to thank and compliment the President publicly before they could receive masks and personal protective equipment for their populace.
To make clear the stark contrast between competent crisis handling and the mismanagement of Trump’s lackeys, ‘Totally Under Control’ takes South Korea’s swift Coronavirus response as an example and juxtaposes that with the US government’s failure to contain the virus (or to even take it very seriously). The documentary was shot through special cameras that were mailed to the interviewees’ homes so that they could do the interviews from the safety of their own isolated spaces.
Is Totally Under Control on Netflix?
‘Totally Under Control’ is not available to stream on Netflix, but an intriguing and engaging watch that you can instead give a try is the documentary on the dark side of social media – ‘The Great Hack‘.
Is Totally Under Control on Hulu?
‘Totally Under Control’ will be streaming on Hulu starting October 20, 2020. While you wait for ‘Totally Under Control’ to start streaming on Hulu, you can check out this collection of standalone documentaries about the biggest stories of our time as covered by The New York Times – ‘The New York Times Presents‘. Another great documentary on Hulu is ‘Fahrenheit 9/11‘ which chronicles the Bush administration’s response to the 9/11 attacks.
Is Totally Under Control on Amazon Prime?
The documentary ‘Totally Under Control’ is not available on the Amazon Prime streaming platform but you can instead watch ‘Citizen Trump: A One-Man Show‘.
Where To Watch Totally Under Control Online?
You can watch Totally Under Control online by purchasing or renting it on one of these video-on-demand platforms – iTunes and FandangoNow.
How To Stream Totally Under Control For Free?
For viewers who don’t want to buy or rent this film as a VOD, they can stream ‘Totally Under Control’ for free by signing up for a month-long free trial on Hulu before October 20, 2020. As a rule, we always encourage our readers to pay for the content they consume.
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