Directed by Dylan Vox, ‘A Furry Little Christmas’ is a heartwarming Christmas tale that follows a veterinarian, Scarlet Miller, who does not know much beyond working long hours as a veterinarian in a big city. However, she is pulled out of her monotonous life one day when she leaves her big city life to return to her hometown in Vermont. There, she chances upon a doctor who is attempting to host a Christmas event reminiscent of that of New York City. If this movie is on your watchlist for Christmas, you might want to know more about it. In that case, we have gathered a few details about its filming and cast!
A Furry Little Christmas Filming Locations
‘A Furry Little Christmas’ was shot in the early months of 2021. If you’re curious to know whether it was filmed in Vermont, the place the story is based on, we have news for you. Unlike the movie, which takes place in the Northeastern United States, this one was filmed in Frisco in Colorado.
Frisco, Colorado
The movie was filmed in Frisco, which is a city in Colorado and is slowly gaining recognition as one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. The city is famous for its downtown area, where the Frisco Heritage Museum showcases antiques, railroad memorabilia, vintage cars. The National Videogame Museum and the Sci-Tech Discovery Center are two more attractions in the area. To the northeast, Frisco Commons Park is popularly frequented by people.
Not only that, but the city was named as the best place to live in America by Money magazine in 2018. Although not many movies have been shot there, the most notable one is the 1988 indie flick ‘Dakota.’
A Furry Little Christmas Cast
The cast of ‘A Furry Little Christmas’ has Kristi McKamie in the lead as she plays Scarlet Miller, a big city vet who arrives at her hometown and meets a doctor who changes her life. You must have seen the actor in ‘Secrets on Sorority Row,’ ‘Squeaky Clean Mysteries: Hazardous Duty,’ and ‘Melons.’ Jonathan Stoddard pays Josh, a doctor in a small town and Scarlet’s love interest. The actor’s previous works include ‘Voices,’ ‘Black Monday,’ and ‘One Little Finger.’ Michael Swan plays the role of Mitch, Scarlet’s father in the movie. You might recognize the actor from his filming discography, which includes ‘As the World Turns,’ ‘Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives,’ Hilton Head Island,’ and ‘Piranhaconda.’
Katie Foster essays the role of Virginia. The actor is most popularly known for her roles in ‘Friends with Kids,’ ‘The Maladjusted,’ ‘Syriana,’ and ‘The Soliloquy,’ Other actors in the movie include Pono Say as Milo, Amie Dasher as Alice, Teeshay as David, Theresa Lang as Mrs. Bix, Phyllis Ramie as Shirley, Steven L. Warner, Gretchen Pleshaw, and Charlee Kliethermes, amongst many more.
Read More: Best Christmas Movies on Netflix
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