‘Ammonite’ is a historical romantic drama film by Francis Lee that follows the torrid, all-consuming love affair between Mary Anning (Kate Winslet), a 19th-century paleontologist and fossil collector, and Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan), a grieving geologist. Charlotte’s husband, Roderick, hires Mary to care for his wife while she recovers from a personal tragedy.
Mary is reluctant to take on the job but has no choice but to accept it because of her dwindling finances. Initially, the two women clash, but gradually, they fall in love passionately. Set in a time when same-sex relationships were taboo, Mary and Charlotte’s love threatens to change both their lives irrevocably. Curious to know where ‘Ammonite’ was shot? Here’s what you need to know.
Ammonite Filming Locations
‘Ammonite’ was filmed entirely in southwest England, in the county of Dorset, in March 2019. Here are more details about the specific areas where the movie was filmed.
Dorset, England
‘Ammonite’ is loosely based on the life of renowned real-life paleontologist Mary Anning, who lived and worked in the coastal town of Lyme Regis in Dorset, Southwest England. She spent a lifetime discovering, studying, and selling Jurassic finds along the marine fossil beds on the coast of the English Channel. A pioneer in prehistoric discoveries, Mary Anning is something of a local heroine in Lyme Regis, where ‘Ammonite’ was filmed.
Lyme Regis is a Jurassic Coast seaside town, which means it is heavy on prehistoric fossils, which can be found all along the English Channel coastline. During the filming of the movie, the town was transformed into an 1800s version, which is when the story is set.
Landmarks such as Bell Cliff Stairs and the Cobb are easily recognizable. The winding Broad Street and Coombe Street were given an extensive makeover to look like they belonged in Mary Anning’s time.
A two-storey fake Georgian house front was installed outside Bell Cliff, and many other buildings also had artificial period fronts attached to them. On Coombe Street and Broad Street, several businesses, such as ML Gibson Studios, Tierra Kitchen, Seasalt Cornwall, and Red Panda, were briefly modified into 19th-century shops for the purpose of shooting.
Several scenes were also filmed at Chatham Dockyard, Eype Beach, and Charmouth Beach. Here are some of the behind-the-scenes pictures of the beautiful beaches during the time of filming!
Read More: Is Ammonite Based on a True Story?
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