Directed and written by Victor Levin, ‘Destination Wedding’ is a 2018 romantic comedy film that is hysterical and haughty in equal parts. With Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in lead roles, the movie follows Frank and Lindsay, two middle-aged strangers who come to acquaint each other in the context of the titular destination wedding. After a seemingly lousy start, they are drawn closer to each other owing to their shared love for sarcasm and bantering.
In a movie named ‘Destination Wedding,’ the location should generally hold central importance. While the camera mostly voyeurs the oddball pair, some shots of the area keep the palette interesting. You may seek to identify the locations where the film was shot, and if that is the case, let us bring out the map.
Destination Wedding Filming Locations
Filming for the romantic comedy was carried out for about ten days. The storyline is set in Paso Robles, which is where Frank and Lindsay are headed for the wedding. The beautiful Californian city is known for its hot springs, wineries, and almond orchards. It is also known to host the California Mid-State Fair, a 12-day annual affair. So, all in all, it is an interesting place with an air of romance. But was the film also shot there? Without further ado, let us get down to the details of where the movie was filmed!
San Luis Obispo, California
‘Destination Wedding’ was filmed on location in the San Luis Obispo County of California. The story unfolds in the pastoral vineyard region of Paso Robles in the city’s outskirts. The location heightens the compelling aspects of the movie and almost becomes a character in the plot.
An early sequence involving Frank and Lindsay was filmed at San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport, a national civil airport located at 975 Airport Drive. The establishing shots depict the landmark locations of San Luis Obispo, including the Fremont Theater, an iconic venue located at 1035 Monterey Street.
In the early montage, the viewers may be able to identify a scene on the grounds of Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, which is located at 751 Palm Street in the city’s downtown historic district. The 18th-century Spanish church derives its name from Saint Louis of Anjou, bishop of Toulouse, who also lends the title to the town. In addition, scenes were filmed on Osos Street in the same area.
Significant indoor sequences were captured at the Apple Farm Inn and Restaurant on 2015 Monterey Street in San Luis Obispo. The gorgeous property sits in the heart of Wine Country and offers a luxurious stay. Another shot showcases Boot Barn, a retail footwear store located at 1340 Spring Street in Paso Robles. To encourage film and television production in California, the state government offers an attractive tax credit incentive. It is no wonder that a large number of films are shot in the state each year.
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