Created by Kemi Adetiba, ‘King of Boys: The Return of the King’ is a Netflix political crime drama series that serves as the direct sequel to the 2018 Nigerian film ‘King of Boys.’ The story follows Eniola Salami (Sola Sobowale) as she returns to her home country after spending 5 years in foreign lands. Driven by a desire for vengeance as well as a sense of remorse, she launches a vicious war against her enemies to reclaim the power she once wielded in the political and criminal spheres.
The original film is a small budgeted gem that became a widely successful movie, especially after being released on Netflix. The streaming giant was actively involved in the production of the 7-part limited series. The story is set predominantly in Lagos, located in the state of the same name in Nigeria. If you are wondering whether ‘King of Boys: The Return of the King’ was filmed on location or elsewhere, here is what you need to know.
King of Boys: The Return of the King Filming Locations
Adetiba and her crew shot ‘King of Boys: The Return of the King’ in and around Lagos, with some additional scenes filmed in Lekki and Sangotedo, also located in Lagos State. Adetiba hinted on her Instagram page that principal photography began in early September 2020. It concluded on November 3, 2020. Initially, the ‘King of Boys’ sequel was supposed to be a film. The decision to develop it as a limited web series was made later. Let’s look at specific locations in detail.
Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria and one of its most prominent economic centers. It is also the primary entertainment hub of the country. Nigeria’s film industry, colloquially known as Nollywood, is located in Lagos. The production crew shot a significant portion of the show at various locations in the city, including Victoria Island, Ikoyi Island, Ijora, and the privately-owned Ibru Jetty. Projects like ‘93 Days,’ ‘Namaste Wahala,’ and ‘RattleSnake: The Ahanna Story’ were also shot in Lagos.
Sangotedo, Nigeria
Some scenes of the show were filmed in Sangotedo, an area located in Eti-Osa, Lagos State, halfway into the production. Before Abuja became the capital of Nigeria, the combined territory of the Eti-Osa Local Government Area and Lagos Island Local Government Area was the location of the national capital.
Lekki, Nigeria
Lekki is located south-east of Lagos City and part of the Lagos Metropolis. The cast and crew shot several scenes at The Freeme Space, a multipurpose facility located at 16A, Block 139A, Nike Art Gallery Road, Ikate 101222, Lekki.
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