Helmed by acclaimed director Danishka Esterhazy, ‘Level 16’ is a dystopian horror sci-fi movie of eerie ambiance and unceasing intrigue. The story of the film follows Vivien, a teenage resident at a sinister and futuristic boarding school. Following a suggestion made by a fellow boarder, she considers skipping the vitamin pills given to them. In turn, she is plunged into a cruel mystery that would unearth a terrible secret about the school.
Upon its release, the movie was praised for its brooding ambiance and an ever-gracious cast ensemble. Most of the story of ‘Level 16’ unfolds in the futuristic boarding school. If you seek to revisit the locations where the movie was filmed, let us guide you in your journey.
Level 16 Filming Locations
‘Level 16’ was filmed in its entirety in Canada, especially in the state of Ontario. Filming was carried out in a tight schedule of 20 days. In the 21st century, the Great White North has gradually become the seat of some of the busiest production studios worldwide. Due to the booming film industries in Vancouver and Toronto, directors from all over the world flock to the North American country to film their production.
Apart from breathtaking natural beauty and an army of skilled technicians, the government of Canada flaunts a lucrative tax incentive scheme to attract productions into the region. This movie was produced by Markham Street Films, with the aid of Telefilm Canada, CBC Films, Shaw Rocket Fund, and Ontario Creates. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the film was shot!
Toronto, Ontario
A major portion of the movie was filmed in Toronto, the capital city of the Canadian province of Ontario and one of the largest metropolises of the region. Due to the outlandish nature of the film, the director and her unit had to locate a perfect place to resume filming. The director wanted a real location rather than a studio setup, and after a lengthy search, the scouting team struck gold.
The crew filmed the majority of the movie in a decommissioned and dilapidated police station. Constructed in the 1930s, the police precinct was out of order for a few years before production took hold of the building. The production team filmed most of the interior sequences in this location.
Hamilton, Ontario
Additionally, the director took her cast and crew to Hamilton, a picturesque port city situated on the western bank of Lake Ontario and the mighty Waikato River. The crew filmed some of the exterior sequences on location in Hamilton. The city is known for its dimly lit cafes, vibrant nightlife, serene walking paths, parks full of lush greenery, and an iconic skyline. Due to its rich cultural lineage, Hamilton is visited by tourists from all over the world.
Read More: Best Sci-fi Movies of 21st Century
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