Based on the manga titled ‘Chihiro-san’ by Hiroyuki Yasuda, Netflix’s ‘Call Me Chihiro’ is a Japanese drama movie co-written and directed by Rikiya Imaizumi that follows the transformative life of a former sex worker named Chihiro who is unapologetic and doesn’t regret her past. Now, she starts working at a small seaside bento shop Nokonoko Bento and serves the lonely people who come to the shop. Despite her foul mouth and free-spirited soul, Chihiro gains popularity and becomes famous among the locals of the small city.
The dramatic narrative is complemented by the equally brilliant onscreen performances of a group of talented actors and actresses, including Kasumi Arimura, Hana Toyoshima, Tetta Shimada, Lily Franky, and Itsuki Nagasawa. At the same time, the backdrop of Chihiro’s bento shop and the cityscape is likely to make you curious about the actual filming sites of ‘Call Me Chihiro.’
Call Me Chihiro: Where Was the Movie Filmed?
‘Call Me Chihiro’ was filmed in Japan, particularly in Hiroshima. Situated in East Asia, Japan is an island country and the 11th most populous country in the world. Apart from being a global leader in the robotics, electronics, and automotive industries, Japan has also immensely contributed to the growth of science and technology worldwide. Now, let’s not waste any time and get a detailed account of all the specific sites that feature in the Netflix movie!
Hiroshima, Japan
A majority of ‘Call Me Chihiro’ was reportedly lensed in and around Hiroshima, the capital of Japan’s Hiroshima Prefecture. From the looks of it, the production team seemingly traveled across the city to record different sequences, both interiors as well as exteriors, against suitable backdrops. Several decades ago, the city and the prefecture were devastated by the infamous atomic bomb but as of today, the same site of destruction is one of the topmost tourist destinations in Japan.
Hiroshima and the surrounding areas have numerous tourist destinations and attractions. Some of the most popular ones are Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Mazda Zoom-Zoom Stadium Hiroshima, Mitaki-dera Temple, Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park, The Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Gogoku Shrine, and Hiroshima Botanical Garden.
The city also hosts various events every year, including the Hiroshima Flower Festival, Toukasan, Ebisu Festival, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony. Over the years, Hiroshima has served as a prominent production location for quite a few film projects, such as ‘Kiyoku yawaku,’ ‘Girls’ Compass,’ ‘Hiroshima Mon Amour,’ and ‘Otoko-tachi no Yamato.’
Read More: Best Japanese Movies on Netflix