Created by Jeong Jong-yeon, Netflix’s ‘The Devil’s Plan’ is a South Korean game reality television series that pits together 12 contestants — a mixture of celebrities and civilians — who might be smiling while conversing with each other but in secret, all of them are plotting and strategizing to remain the last one standing and get their hands on the grand cash prize of 500 million won. Over six nights and seven days, the contestants go head-to-head against one another in games of wit and strategy.
In the debut season of the reality show, some of the 12 contestants include Kwaktube, ORBIT, Guillaume Patry, Kim Dong-jae, Park Kyeong-rim, and Suh Dong-joo. Moreover, while the suspenseful and uniquely themed format keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats through each episode, the backdrop of various kinds of indoor locations where the participants find themselves makes one wonder where ‘The Devil’s Plan’ is filmed.
The Devil’s Plan Filming Locations
‘The Devil’s Plan’ is seemingly filmed in South Korea, an East Asian country that constitutes the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, as the name suggests. Reports suggest that the principal photography for the inaugural iteration took place in early 2023, particularly in January 2023. So, without wasting any time, let’s dive right inside the room with the contestants and find out the specific locations where they indulge in the unique Netflix survival game!
South Korea
All the pivotal sequences for ‘The Devil’s Plan’ are lensed in South Korea, particularly on a sound stage of one of the film studios situated in the country. As a matter of fact, the cast and crew members, especially the production designers, worked together to construct the working set from the ground up for the series where the contestants stay together and play mind games to survive till the end and take home the grand cash prize of 500 million won.
Whether it is the living room where all the participants can hang out on the couches and dine together or their adjacent rooms organized like prisons where they can plot or the circular room where most of the activities take place, all of them are constructed on the sound stage, managing to blend welcoming and eerie vibe with the help of the contrasting rooms.
Home to a number of natural features on its landscape, including mountains, volcanoes, beaches, and lush green forests, South Korea is considered a suitable filming site for a diverse range of film and TV projects. Moreover, the Republic of Korea consists of lots of state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for filming, which the filming unit of ‘The Devil’s Plan’ utilized to build the expansive set for the series.
Read More: Best Game Shows on Netflix
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