A reboot of the ‘Prom Night’ film series and the fifth installment, ‘Prom Night’ is a 2008 mystery horror thriller movie that follows a high-school teacher named Richard Fenton who murders the family of Donna Keppel, a high school freshman he is in love with, in order to force her into being in a relationship with him. Soon, the authorities catch him and send him to prison. However, a few years down the line, at Donna’s high school prom, she finds herself in the same room as the killer once more, making her relive the trauma all over again.
Now, the sadistic murderer has returned to spoil their prom night by harming Donna and her friends. Directed by Nelson McCormick, the slasher film unfolds in various settings, including the fictional Bridgeport High School, the characters’ residences, and Pacific Grand Hotel, where the prom night is celebrated. All these fun and lively locations work in contrast with the eerie presence of a killer in the movie. So, if you are interested in knowing where ‘Prom Night’ was filmed, we have got you covered!
Prom Night Filming Locations
‘Prom Night’ was filmed in California and Oregon, especially in Los Angeles County and Newport. According to reports, principal photography for the thriller film commenced in late May 2007 and wrapped up in early September of the same year. So, without wasting any time, let us walk you through all the specific locations that feature in the Brittany Snow starrer!
Los Angeles County, California
A major chunk of ‘Prom Night’ was lensed across Los Angeles County, with the production team mainly setting up camp in the city of Los Angeles and South Pasadena. First and foremost, the house that features in the opening sequences is the property at 1947 Oak Street in South Pasadena. The filming unit taped the exterior as well as interior parts of this property. Moreover, The MacArthur, formerly Park Plaza Hotel, at 607 South Park View Street in the city of Los Angeles, is the hotel where the prom scenes were shot for the movie.
Biltmore Hotel at 506 South Grand Avenue in Los Angeles’ Downtown area served as yet another important filming site for the movie. While the property at 635 Mateo Street in Los Angeles served as the police station, the establishment at the corner of Mission Street and Meridian Avenue in South Pasadena is where the hair salon scenes were shot. Furthermore, the property at 1019 El Centro Street in South Pasadena was utilized to serve as the therapist’s office. Additionally, another house at 1199 Wentworth Avenue in the city of Pasadena makes an appearance in the Nelson McCormick directorial.
The production team of ‘Prom Night’ also utilized the facilities of Sony Pictures Studios at 10202 West Washington Boulevard in Culver City. The film studio complex is home to 18 sound stages ranging in size from 7,600 to 42,000 square feet and a wide variety of settings in the on-lot locations, including Calley Park, Main Street’s regional facades, and Fish Alley. All these amenities and features make it an ideal choice for different kinds of productions and events.
Newport, Oregon
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘Prom Night’ even traveled to the city of Newport. In particular, they set up camp in the city to mostly tape overhead and exterior shots. For instance, the Yaquina Bay Bridge features in quite a few scenes of the movie. As the name suggests, it is an arch bridge that spans Yaquina Bay south of Oregon’s Newport.
Read More: Best Slasher Movies of All Time
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